Bathing is the action that has symbolical value, like all other things that we do, and when you look at things from this perspective, you will see that everything related to the bathing could be seen as the part of the ceremony.
Preparations, water, people who are presenting, naked body (in some cases) the water that is dripping from you, and it has its cleansing powers or the ones that heal the body and the soul.
Most commonly, all aspects related to the bathing are present with one purpose – to wash away sins and are believed to be released from the circle of death and begin the cycle of the new birth. The new phase is possible after this event.
In this light, we ask, how can we understand if some of the bathing elements appear in our dream world, like the bathtub? What does it mean then, and how can we understand its appearance as the motive in our dream world?
What does it mean to dream of a bath?
If in your dream, you see a bathtub filled with water, and full of the bubbles, with the hot water, the tub that is great looking, such a dream means that you, in real life, have a rival in love.
In the previous period, you may have neglected a loved one, which is why he/she will show you what will happen if you continue with this behavior. You must change if you want your relationship to work, and to “remove” the rival from your life.
If the bathtub from your dream is completely empty, such a dream means that you are the central person in your house, and everywhere else – you love that central position that you have in life, and work, so you do not feel comfortable if someone tries to take that position from you.
If in your dream you see yourself in the bathtub, you are in it, enjoying the bath, you are not just the silent observer, in that case, such a dream means that you are getting ready to do something “immoral”; and even if you are aware of this fact, you are not planning to stop doing it.
So, such a dream is, in fact, the dream that means infidelity, but not your lovers, but yours.
It is also said that if you are taking a bath with someone in your dream, in the bathtub (it does not have to be sexually charged), such a dream indicates that that particular person will gladly help you in your work, and the two of you will succeed in some business.
So, there are three most common meanings that are related to the dream motive bathtub – one is the one in which you are having a bath (and there are two versions, one is where you feel good and excited, and the other is the one where you feel quality, but you continue with the preparation). Both versions show your relation and attitude toward fidelity.
If the bathtub is full, it means that you are about to be very happy and complete in love, and all interpersonal relations in life; and the one that shows you the bathtub empty, it expresses your inner need to dominate the life, or the lives of all that are around you.
The Symbolism of a Dreaming of Bathtub
As far as the symbolism of this dream goes, we must say, that in some general way, the dream connected to the bathtub, usually has a good symbolical value and that it symbolizes your progress in life.
In this context, if the bathtub in your dream was full (in this sense there are a lot of versions of this dream, it could be filled with many different things, not just water, but takes the article of its own), in that case such a dream speaks of loyalty between the lovers.
It could imply infidelity, possibly your own, but also from the side of your lover. Maybe this is a warning to question the loyalty from your lover, not to trust him or her so blindly.
There is one interesting symbolical value related to the bathtub, and it is connected to the dream of a broken bathtub – this symbolism is not really good since the broken bathtub is the representation of problems that are on your way.
And this is not even the worrying part – the worst part is the fact that you are ready to look away from the cracks in your life, and pretend that there are no problems, and doing so they are becoming bigger and bigger. Possibly not possible to solve.
There is one alteration to this dream, and it speaks of the dream in which you want to take a bath in the tub that is cracked, and the water is leaking everywhere. Such a dream symbolizes that there are going to be many quarrels in your family.
Sometimes this dream means that you need to break the grounds; more then you should avoid the cracks.
Do I have to be worried?
The question is what progress is awaiting you if you had such a dream with the dominant motive, the bathtub? Let’s be optimistic, believe that much will be resolved, no matter how bad the situation may look.
This is the dream that is teaching you that there have to be some difficult times before you start doing something that will pay off, and give you the progress you want and deserve.
In some versions of this dream, it is the indication that you will be unpleasantly surprised because, if you didn’t see with your own eyes, you would never believe that he was able to do something like that. You have guessed it, this is the one dream that speaks of your love life and what is even more, it speaks of the infidelity that could be related to you, but also to your lover.
In the case, where you had a dream that the bathtub is empty, the central stage belongs to you, and you show the tendencies to dominate – regardless of your age, your family members listen to what you tell them and act accordingly.
You leave the impression of a strong person who knows what is best for everyone, and you also make the keynote at work and in society. You trust others and, without great effort, you manage to impose your opinions on them.
So, this dream does not mean anything bad, but you must be aware that this position in any group is connected to the major responsibility, and you must take it and make the best out of it.
And in the end, we must mention one more aspect of this dream that is related to your love affair and your lover – sometimes the dream of the bathtub speaks of the attraction and sexual tension that you feel.
You are probably attracted to a person with whom, for some reason, you cannot be in a relationship that makes your relationship even more exciting. You will be comforted that this is something temporary, not realizing that you are entering a vicious cycle of lies that will hurt many of your loved ones.
What to do if I had this dream?
All in all and as you were able to see it for yourself, the dream of the bathtub is versatile, but none of them is particularly bad when you look at them deeply.
In some cases, this is the dream that promises progress in all aspects of life, and that you will progress in your business.
So, we will end this story with one advice for all of you who enjoyed the dream of the bathtub – expect progress, or you can expect your relationship with your lover to be under the burden of problems, and the matters of infidelity are also present, from both sides.
This is, and we must say this, one of the common versions of this dream, where you are in the bathtub – it means you are preparing for infidelity.
This is the dream that speaks of the attraction to someone who is not your lover, and it does not have to be even someone who you like and want to spend the rest of your days, but it is someone you want to kiss, touch, or make love. Somewhere hidden – you need a relationship that makes your relationship even more exciting.
You will be comforted that this is something temporary, not realizing that you are entering a vicious cycle of lies that will hurt many of your loved ones.
Additionally, we must say that the bathtub is one symbol that is very much connected to the love mater of life, but not just the things that open, but the ones that are hidden – at times this are the dream of a love rivalry and the bad stage of your current love affair. You are cracking, and you need to change something. But you did not make the right move, and just imagine what will happen if you continue with this behavior.
But, in the case, of an empty bathtub, your place as a boss in the family is very interesting to look at, but you should take your role very seriously. You leave the impression of a strong person who knows what is best for everyone, and you also make the keynote at work and in society. You trust others and, without great effort, you manage to impose your opinions on them.
Keep looking forward to the future, and the situation is not as bad as it looks – just think of yourself, of your life, and your position in love, or in the family. Think of what you could lose if you jeopardize any of your personal relations that last for a long time.
And, in the end, such a dream is the progress itself, because you are thinking of what would it happen if you, for example, not are loyal to your lover, and it will make you wonder what you can lose if you act in this way. This is also one of kind progress.