Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp – Dates, Man, Woman, Compatibility

Many see Astrology as the science, and therefore, it has many rules that must be followed so that the results and investigation that it provides, along with its prognosis, is objective and truthful. Even if they base analyses on some just by a little different aspect, things can drastically change for the person who is in question.

It is said by some astrological rule that any individual who is born within three days of signs cusp, there is an inevitable change will happen, and in some practical sense, this means that these people have a unique character and do not belong to any sign in particular.

These people typically encounter both the personalities of the signs that are being changed on the cusp, and an interesting thing to note is that it is not always a good thing to be born on the bridge between the signs.

This happens in times when neighboring signs are not compatible; there is a clash among energies, resulting in cloudiness in the character of one person. Of course, if the two signs are compatible, then the person receives all the benefits from both signs and can have one very round and developed character.

In this sense, we are investigating the character of the person who is born on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn sign. Do these two signs fall under the category of compatible or not-compatible signs? Read all about this and make your own judgment.

Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp Man

A man that is born in the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn is the person who is very interesting, and some may add, very specific in every sense. He wants to progress in his life and is always struggling to be at the top, but sometimes his methods and his slowness are not understood in an ideal way by the environment where he finds himself in.

Sometimes he can also be perceived as a real freak, especially if he is not able to express himself in an adequate way and explain his actions – that is always directed to the top and high positions. Of course, we must say that he does not have any darkness to his motives; he just wants to be on the top where he will be in a position to help other people.

His ambition is great, and he works hard and long; perhaps even the most of other people he can show the skills of transformation in the business, so he will always be able to find some way to do everything in the best order when it’s a job and earnings.

In love, this man knows what is more difficult and rare when he deviates from his chosen path, he is certainly striving for stability, but is never alone (single), even at a moment when he does not have a very serious relationship, he will try to achieve balance by using flirting, but also some adventure.

He loves to surround himself with people who are like him, generous, and imaginative; he loves partners who are reliable persons with a strong personality. This man likes to enjoy everything he does, and can truly do anything he wants in life, art, sport, the business you name it. And if you are wondering how he can make it, he either has a talent of he has a strong will and persistence to succeed.

Male Sagittarius is a clear, logical thinker, with a clear idea in every situation – he loves to listen to others so that he can absorb everything before processing the information and making his conclusions and decisions.

Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp Woman

Many people describe this lady as the one that is made out of steel, and anything else that would be said about this interesting lady would most likely not be true -she is intelligent, strong and uncompromising.

This lady is the person who can really lead in everything, and this is not a thing that many will understand. She tries so hard to be successful and generally invests a lot in herself, and by this, we mean in her knowledge, all for the progress she wants to achieve. In every sense, she struggles to achieve beautiful results and her entire life is reduced to it -all of her actions are directed to this task.

This lady is smart and seductive and does not stop using her charm for business purposes – many would disagree with this, but we are saying that she does not lose her honor or honesty, she knows the measure.

She knows everything very well, she understands everything very well- in everything that this lady does, she goes into the depth, and this is her strong point.

We must add that this woman is aware that she has many flaws, but she hides them from the eyes of the public because she absolutely does not want anyone to think that she is someone who needs help.

She is someone who always tries to leave a good impression, especially to the people she meets for the first time – she achieves this with her beauty, charm, and intellect. There is nothing strange to her, and she thinks she can do everything – the main lesson in the life of this lady is that she needs to realize that she cannot do everything well and that she is not talented for everything.

Good Traits

Independence is the principle that these people are leaders, and deep inside they crave for excitement and adventure and are accepting the changes, but a part of their personality is making them scared but in a good way – they will never unnecessarily risk their lives.

They are philosophers and researchers, and above all, hard workers who will slowly go to the end of the road and explore each detail in their eternal quest for wisdom, and success. It is the truth that their environment is also very successful, and in this sense, they do not believe in the existence of competition, and they are battling their own battles.

Given that their freedom is very important, it will make a decision depending on the amount of freedom it implies, which is why they sometimes miss good opportunities, but since it is their choice, they are good for them.

Those human beings who are born on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn are the people are able to listen to the pulse of the market at any time, in business terms, they think modern, but they are also great visionaries who can persistently make things in their own benefit, achieve success and stay in that place for a long time.

It is also said that these people are great friends because they know how to show their cheerful and positive nature and fine heart, and when to be serious. They will do everything to make their friends happy, and in this sense, these human beings do not expect anything in return, their kindness is unselfish.

Even further, those who are born in the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn are never interfered with the plans of other people and are never selective or jealous. They act according to others as they expect others to behave towards them and are guided by the principle of “living and letting others live”.  They are confident and independent, and these two aspects are the most important traits in their character.

These people have a specific sense of humor (or they adore people who have such sense of humor), which is sometimes sincere to the point of comfort; it is all because they speak what they think and do not hold anything for themselves.

Worst Traits

People who belong to the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn are not emotionally unstable, and they are even extremely emotionally reserved – for some, they might seem cold and calculated, even if they are not.

However, what is certain is that these people become nervous when they are bored. They try to be optimistic and positive because they believe that whatever happens, there is always something good waiting for the corner and the sun will always shine again. But in reality, they can be very depressed and go through stages in life, where they are not so certain that everything will go according to their plan.

Other people can be hurt their lack of sense of dedication that they sometimes show, but they are not those who will devote themselves to emotions, but to gain wisdom.

Another flaw that we connected to them is the fact that they have trouble in completing start-up projects, it can take too long because they want the quick results. If a job is too long, they will give up on it and start a new one not because they are lazy, they are far from it, but will do it because they are afraid of boredom.

So far, their biggest fear is, and instead of trying to overcome this feeling, they will find a bigger stimulus.

They are gallant, unpretentious, tolerant, ambitious, and just, though they may be inclined to brag – they are not doing this to hurt anyone, but it can turn out to be just that, and it is a shame, they may seem like something they are not.

Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp in Love

People who are born on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn tend to be independent and have certain freedom without asking excessive questions – they must be in love with someone who understands this. Of course, that does not mean they are unfaithful; they can be extremely loyal and loving, but cannot be put in any box.

We can also say that these people are not so prudent, but they are not dishonest when in love, on the contrary, they are always fair, even if that means that they need to end love relationship and walk away.

If you want to impress them, you have to be more imaginative than they are, and this is not an easy task; you would have to “warm up” their tendencies every day, but at the same time hold them at a decent distance.

How can you seduce them? The best way is to talk to them ask them questions about them, exchange stories, smile to them, show them your energy, but do not go into the intimate details of their lives. They will never leave them – even they would want to keep an emotional distance and attract them.

Be their friend, and give them the freedom they desire, flirt with them, and let the relationship develop slowly, do not hasten them in any sense. Be honest, positive and adventurous, and never play any games.

Best Match for Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp

The best match in love can be achieved with the person who is born in the Zodiac sign Virgo! There are numerous causes why this is the case, but for a start, we will tell you that these two have complementary characters.

Here, the warmth, empathy, devotion and dedication that the Virgo has brought into their love relationship is in favor of achieving a harmonious love relationship with the person who is born in the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. The Virgo lover is a “voice of reason” in a love affair, and it provides stability and gives strength to this love story and allows this love affair as soon as possible “stands on its feet”, that is, it has its support in financial and material terms.

On the other hand, interesting, witty and cheerful nature, as well as the optimistic and cheerful that come from the person who is on the border between Sagittarius and Capricorn, makes the Virgo lover feel happy in his company at the beginning of a love affair. He will be very impressed by the unusual intellect and argumentative mind of the Virgo lover with which he will have lots of discussion topics.

And in the end, that good communication and a positive attitude are all that it is left between two people who are in a relationship. So, if these two have it, then they can last for a long time, and be happy along the way.


Astrologers all around the world say that people who are born on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn is a very difficult, but also very interesting situation where one very complex person is born, who is ambitious, honest and maybe a bit slow, then the regular Sagittarius.

He has a very strong moralistic religious variant that makes perfectly serious plans that materialize and implement it – in him the width and openness of the Sagittarius with reservation and conservatism of the Capricorn.

This person has a clear direction towards a clear goal that is reached by the jarring persistence – this person is able to achieve amazing results and is able to conquer peaks when it needs maximum concentration, power of will and persistence to reach the top. And even better these people can stay on the top for a long time, cause they know how to value their success.

This blend is almost always connected to the people who are at the top either – sports, business, whether in politics. People who were born in this period (in the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn) are extremely aware of their environment. They are able to change most things.

They are practical, but also the visionaries. They see what others do not see and have the courage to follow their dreams. They never give up regardless of what circumstances can be, and this has a positive and a negative side – sometimes they chase things that are not good for them, while in others they can truly achieve greatness.


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