Health Benefits of Eating Honey Before Bed

Honey has been known for its health benefits since ancient times, so it was called “liquid gold. Honey has been used in medical purposes for thousands of years and it has been known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-healing properties.

In the past honey was also used in different religious ceremonies all over the world.

In this article we will talk about the health benefits of eating honey before bed. Have you ever eaten honey just before going to sleep? Did you sleep better after consuming honey or someone has told you that honey can make you fat if you consume it before bedtime?

In this article we will give you the answers to these and similar questions about the consumption of honey before bedtime.

As we have already mentioned, eating honey before going to bed has been recommended since ancient times. Folk healers all around the world recommend taking a teaspoon of honey with chamomile or drinking warm milk with a teaspoon of honey every night. In this article we will tell you something about the health benefits of eating honey before bed.

Health Benefits of Eating Honey Before Bed

Helps in Weight Loss. The first thing we should say is that honey can have great effects if you consume it before bedtime. You may have heard that eating honey before bed will make you fat, because of its sugar content, but it is not true. Eating honey before bed has the opposite effects and it can help you lose weight. Honey will help you burn fat more quickly and it will also improve your liver functions. If you replace sugar with honey, it will prevent weight gain and it will lower your blood sugar levels and triglycerides at the same time.

It is known that if you don’t eat at night, it may cause many problems with your health. You should know that your liver needs the fuel all the time, so if you don’t eat at night, your  glycogen levels will be very low and your brain will activate stress hormones in your body. It can cause many health problems and also make you fat.

We all know that if we are hungry, we cannot sleep well at night and poor sleep is one of the most common causes of the weight gain. If we don’t sleep enough, we will wake up during the night and most of us will eat then, which can be very bad for our body weight. Studies have shown that eating a teaspoon of raw honey before bed can suppress your appetite. If you eat honey before bed, you will not have hunger pangs over night. Your appetite will be reduced and you will lose all extra pounds. It is recommended to take a teaspoon of honey every night if you want to have the best results.

We should also mention that one cup of raw honey contains only 64 calories and it doesn’t contain fat. As you can see, honey is very beneficial if you want to lose weight. Actually, this amazing food will help you lose weight while you are sleeping. It sounds unbelievable, but it works.

Promotes Sleeping. If you are wondering does honey help you sleep, now you will find out. If you like to take a teaspoon of honey before you go to bed, then we have good news for you.

Honey is known to promote sleeping and it is one of the best natural remedies for good sleep. It is known that poor sleep may cause many health problems, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis and heart disease.

Also, we have already mentioned that poor sleep can be one of the most common causes of obesity.

It is recommended to take honey before bedtime, because it can help you sleep better. If you consume a teaspoon of honey every night, it will increase insulin levels but only a little, so insulin will help tryptophan to release in the brain. It is known that tryptophan will convert to serotonin, which is known as the hormone of good mood, pleasure and joy.

Of course, serotonin will convert to melatonin, which is necessary for good sleep. Melatonin will maintain your blood sugar levels under control and it will help you sleep better.

Also, sometimes your brain may be searching for a fuel during the nicht and it can wake you up. But, if you eat only one teaspoon of raw honey before sleeping, then you will not have these problems.

Improves Liver Functions. The liver needs to have fuel overnight, as we have already mentioned above. Your body cannot work well if your liver is empty.

So, a teaspoon of honey just before bed seems to be a great choice. Honey will cause a mild elevation of glucose in your body and we know that glucose is necessary for your brain and your liver functions. This way your brain and your liver will have fuel overnight and they will function much better.

Many athletes are using honey just before going to bed because this way they control their appetite much better.

Reduces the Risk of Diabetes. Did you know that only one teaspoon of raw honey before sleeping may reduce the risk of developing diabetes?

Also, if you already have this illness, honey can help you treat it. You can take a teaspoon of raw honey every night and it will help you reduce your blood glucose levels for a short time. It is especially recommended to mix honey with cinnamon because it can manage your blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.

These are some of the most important health benefits of consuming honey just before bedtime. There are also many other health benefits of honey and now you will find something more about them, too.

Prevents Pollen Allergies. As we all know, bees are going from one flower to another and they collect pollen. This pollen may cause allergies and infections, but if you consume raw honey you will not have to deal with these problems.

Actually, there is the bee pollen contained in raw honey, so it can relieve allergies and boost our immune system. It is important to use only raw honey, not the pasteurized one.

Also, it is enough to take a tablespoon of raw honey every night if you want to avoid pollen allergies.

Boosts Immune System. Raw honey is full of antioxidant which are known to fight free radicals in our bodies. This way honey will prevent many diseases and it will boost our immune system.

Honey is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that can prevent many heart diseases and also cancer. If you take only one teaspoon of raw honey just before going to bed, you will be healthy and full of energy. It is proved that honey can treat common cold and also many respiratory tract infections.

Provides Energy. Honey is also known to provide energy, so it is great to take it before and also after exercise.  Honey contains abot 80% of carbohydrates, so it can be a great sporting fuel. It is known that honey is contained in many pre-workout and post-workout snacks and meals.

It is recommended to eat a teaspoon of raw honey just before bed because it will give you energy necessary for the next day. You will wake up full of energy.

Treats Cough. You may didn’t know that raw honey may also be used for treating cough. Studies have shown that one teaspoon of raw honey may be as effective as over-the-counter syrups for cough.

Treats Burns and Wounds. If you have burns or wounds on your body, honey may also help you. You just need to put it on the affected area before sleeping and let it stay on your wound overnight. Tomorrow you will see that your wound is much better. Also, it is known that honey can treat ulcers that may appear on your skin.


As you have seen in this article, honey is one of the healthiest foods that is used all over the world. It has many health benefits and you have seen some of the most important. Even though it may sound crazy, eating honey just before going to bed can help you in weight loss. Also, it will help your liver work better and it will control your blood sugar levels.

As we have already mentioned, eating honey before bed can prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many other health problems. Of course, honey can help you sleep much better. If you consume a teaspoon of honey before bedtime, you will not have to wake up hungry during the night. Your sleep quality will be much better and you will wake up full of energy and good mood.

We hope this article has been useful for you and we hope that you will try eating honey before bed. Don’t forget to consume only raw honey because all other types of honey may not have the same effects.


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