Dragonfly – Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning

The dragonfly is a beautiful insect that attracts our attention with its beauty, lightness and different colors. It has a delicate form and shimmering wings, so it seems as a creature from a fairy tale. Dragonflies are beautiful and harmless insects and they have inspired many myths and legends all over the world.

The dragonfly is also considered a spirit animal and it is usually a symbol of light and changes that may happen in your life. The dragonfly will help you put yourself in touch with the spirits of the nature. If the dragonfly is your animal totem, it means that you should bring more lightness into your life. There’s no doubt that the dragonfly is also a symbol of transformation, magic and mysticism.

If you want to find out more about the Dragonfly as a spirit animal, you should read carefully this article. We will tell you more about its spiritual meaning and symbolism.

What do Dragonflies Symbolize?

As we have already said, dragonflies are usually associated with the changes that may happen in the life of a dreamer. If the dragonfly is your spirit animal, it means that there is a period of changes and transformation in front of you. Dragonflies have a positive meaning and very often they refer to joy and happiness. The dragonfly will appear as your spirit animal just in the moment when you feel stuck or blocked in your own creativity. The dragonfly will give you motivation and hope and it will show you all the magic that exists around you.

If the dragonfly appears as your spirit animal, it can mean that you should analyze your deep feelings and emotions and bring them to the surface. It is also considered that the dragonflies may adapt easily to each situation, so if you choose the dragonfly as your animal totem, you may become more flexible in a future period.

Also, we can say that the dragonflies are connected with the spirit of the nature, so if you follow the dragonfly as your animal totem, you will be able to discover all the magic that nature posses.

Now you will see something more about the meanings that the dragonfly as a spirit animal may have.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Transformation

As we all know, the dragonfly starts to grow in water first and it spends about two years there. After that this animal goes through metamorphosis and flies into the air. It is known that the water is the symbol of emotions, while the air is the symbol of the mental part of our personality. It means that if the dragonfly is your spirit animal, you will try to maintain the balance between your own thoughts and emotions.

It is known that the children who have the dragonfly power are usually very emotional and they react with big passion to each situation. When they grow up, they are learning how to balance their emotions and their thoughts.

Also, it is known that the dragonfly changes its color during the time, so if it appears as a spirit animal for you, it means that it is time for changes in your life, too. It is possible that you don’t use your full potential, so the dragonfly may be warning your to express more yourself and your qualities. Also, it may be necessary to change your bad habits. You may need to stop smoking or to regulate your body weight. Think well if there is a bad habit in your life and ask the Dragonfly to guide you to the path of tranformation.

Also, the dragonfly that appears in your life may be telling you that it is time to change your thoughts. Your life will be much better if you change the way you are thinking. You just need to follow the Dragonfly as your spirit guide and it will bring you to the light and transformation.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Adaptibility

The Dragonfly is known for its adaptibility to each situation. So, if the dragonfly has appeared as a spirit animal for you, it means that you are a very flexible person. It means that you are able to adapt to most people and situations in your life. Thanks to the dragonfly as your animal totem, you will be able to change yourself and to become more flexible. The dragonfly will help you see the things from a positive perspective, so you will be able to adapt to new situations more quickly.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Lightness

We have mentioned in the beginning of this article that one of the most important caracteristics of the dragonfly is the lightness. It means that the dragonfly will help you see things lightly even if everything around you is dark. This spirit animal usually appears in the moment when you are losing your joy and when you take all the things in your life too seriously. The dragonfly will teach you find something good and positive even if the situation is very bad.

The dragonfly reflects light and brings you divine messages. The dragonfly as your spirit animal will bring lightness in your thoughts, as well as in your feelings. It means that you should leave all your negative thoughts and emotions in the past and start thinking more positively.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Good Luck

It is believed that the people with the dragonfly as a spirit animal have good luck in their lives. If you also choose the dragonfly as your animal totem, it may be a good decision for you. You will have more luck in your life because you will be able to use many opportunities that will appear in front of you. In other words, the dragonfly will help you to be always in the right place just at the right time.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – True Colors

If the Dragonfly is your animal totem, it means that it is time for you to express your true colors. There may be feelings that you have kept repressed for a long time. You should accept all the aspects of your personality and be proud of your own. Thanks to the Dragonfly as your animal spirit, you will understand that your true colors go forward with maturity.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Nature Spirits

There is no doubt that the dragonfly as your animal totem will connect you with spirit nature. You will have the opportunity to see all the magic that is hidden in the nature.

Also, you will understand that the life is not what it appears to be, so we can say that the dragonfly is also a symbol of illusion. More about that meaning of the dragonfly as a spirit animal you will see below.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Illusion

The dragonfly as a spirit animal may also be a symbol of illusion and mysticism. If you choose the dragonfly as your animal totem, it means that you should express your true colors. Also, the dragonfly is warning you to break the illusions. There may be illusions in your life that are limiting your personal growth and changes, so it is necessary to get rid of these illusions and to come back into reality. Something in your life is not as it seems to be, so you should not fool yourself. The dragonfly medicine is warning you to break all the illusions that may prevent your maturity and your growth.

It is possible that someone doesn’t have good intentions towards you, so you should be careful. You may be deceived because you trust in many people who are not your real friends. It is the time for you to look the things clearly and without illusion.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Wisdom

Wisdom is one of the most important traits of a dragonfly if it is your spirit animal. The dragonfly may help you become wiser and make your decisions more thoughtfully. The dragonfly will help you find your true power and hear the wisdom of your own soul. This spirit animal will help you share your wisdom with other people, too.

The Dragonfly as a Spirit Animal – Enjoy Life

If the Dragonfly is your spirit animal, it will teach you to enjoy every moment in your life like it was the last. It is known that a life span of a dragonfly is very short, so it is necessary to live life to the fullest. If you have chosen the dragonfly as your spirit animal, then you should be grateful for all the things that you have in your life and you should enjoy in every moment. If the dragonfly appears in your life, it can mean that you should give thanks for all the little things around you. Try to spend more time outdoors in the sunlight because it is the best way to stay healthy and lively.

It is known that the dragonfly people have to make a pause sometimes and give themselves a rest. This is the way to get rid of nervousness and negative energy. If the dragonfly is also your spirit animal, then you may be used to abosrb sunlight and energy every day. It gives you strength and energy which are necessary for your work and for the rest of your day. Other people may think that you are a little weird.

The Dragonfly Symbolism in Different Cultures

The dragonfly has been used as a spirit animal since ancient times. The spirit meanings of this animal totem are different in different culture. For example, in old American tradition the dragonfly usually symbolized departed souls, while for the Mayan, this spirit animal was a symbol of the goddess of creativity. In Native American tribes the dragonfly was also a symbol of pure water and activity, while in the Celtic tradition it was believed that the dragonfly is connected with a fairy realm.

It is known that in Japan the dragonfly symbolizes joy and life, but also victory, strength and courage.  In Japan it is also believed that the dragonfly can restore the health. This spirit animal is also associated with the summer and the autumn and it is considered the symbol of happiness. Because of all these things the dragonfly has become the national emblem of Japan.

But, the meaning of the dragonfly as a spirit animal is different in Romanian folklore. In Romanian tradition, it is believed that the dragonfly is a horse that is possessed by a devil.

Dreaming of a Dragonfly – Meaning and Interpretation

It is also possible that your spirit animal comes in your dreams. If the Dragonfly appears as your spirit animal in a dream, then you should try to interpret this dream.

One of the most important meanings of the dragonfly dreams is change and transformation that you can expect in a future period. Also, the dragonfly may be warning you to see things much deeper. Something is not like it seems, so be careful. It is possible that you live in an illusion related to a certain situation or person.

The dragonfly in your dream may also symbolize instability and activity. You are a very active person and you don’t like to stand in one place. Alternatively, the dream about a dragonfly can mean that you will meet an interesting woman in a future period.

If you are dreaming that you are catching dragonflies, it can mean that you are losing your time. You are concerned about the things that are not important at all. This dream is warning you to focus yourself on the things that are important in your life.

If you have dreamed that you eat a dragonfly, it means that you are overwhelmed with passion and that you may hurt someone’s feelings.

What Does It Mean When a Dragonfly Lands on You?

We have already told you a lot of things about the dragonfly symbolism. If the dragonfly lands on you, it is the sign of a good luck, so you don’t have to worry. It means that you should get rid of your illusions and use all your potential. It is necessary to break the illusions and to be free.

Also, if the dragonfly appears in your life suddenly, it can mean that you have to be cautious. It is possible that something is hidden from you, so you are not able to see the truth.

Dragonfly Tattoo Meaning

Dragonfly tattoos are very popular all over the world.  These tattoos are usually done in colorful style and they are very attractive. Also, the dragonfly tattoos can have different meanings. The meanings of these tattoos usually come from Asian or Native American circles.

In general the dragonfly tattoo symbolizes changes that you are going through at the moment. Actually, these tattoos represent your emotional and mental maturity. You have an opportunity to understand yourself better, so this tattoo may be associated with some deeper meanings.

If you choose to have a dragonfly tattoo, it means that you choose to live in a moment and to enjoy your life right now. Sometimes tattoo designs may mean that you are able to see beyond the limits of your minds and of your body. This tattoo will help you see things more deeper in the universe. It is also known that the air in dragonfly tattoo designs is a symbol of freedom.


You have seen in this article that the dragonfly is the symbol of the changes that may happen in your life. If you let the dragonfly leads you, then you can expect many changes in the period that is in front of you. People with a dragonfly as a spirit animal usually experience many transformations during their life. Also, the Dragonfly is a symbol of illusion that you have in your life, so it is necessary to break this illusion as soon as possible.

If the dragonfly appears for you, you should ask your self several questions in order to understand the presence of this spirit guide. The first thing you should ask yourself is about the feelings that you are hiding deep inside. Also, you should ask yourself about the illusions that you have created in your life.

The Dragonfly will help you maintain a balance between your thoughts and your emotions. Also, this spirit animal can be especially useful for all those people who are feeling blocked in their spiritual development as well as in their creativity. The Dragonfly as your animal totem will help you use your potential to the fullest.

We hope this article has been interesting for you. If you are lucky enough to see a dragonfly that lands on you or if a dragonfly appears in your dream, then you should use your opportunity and follow the dragonfly as your spirit guide. There is no doubt that the dragonfly totem will break your illusions and bring light and happiness into your life.


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