Our dreams can tell us a lot about our current life as well as about our future. They usually represent our feelings, thoughts, fears or desires. If you believe in dreams, then you certainly know how to interpret them and how to find their meaning.
In this article we will talk about rivers dreams. Dreams about rivers are very common and they can have many different meanings.
Because of that it is important to take into consideration all details that you have seen in your dream.
In most cases the meaning of these dreams is negative, so when you are dreaming about rivers, it means that there may be some negative situations in your life or you may be unsure about something.
There may be many obstacles on your way and you don’t know how to overcome them. Well, this is only one of possible meanings of the dreams about rivers.
Sometimes these dreams can also have a positive meaning, so it is important to remember all details from your dream.
If you want to find out more about these dreams, then you should keep reading this article.
Dreams About Rivers – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming of crossing a river. If you have seen in your dream that you were crossing a river, this dream represents uncertainty that is present in your life. You may be in a very difficult situation right now and you feel lost.
But, if you had this dream, then you should start thinking positively. If you have crossed a river in your dream, it means that you will overcome all obstacles and difficulties, so you will have success and you will reach your goals. But, you have to be patient and you have to know that all bad situations are only temporary.
Dreaming of being in a boat and floating along the river. If you have seen in your dream that you were floating along the river and if you were in a boat, this dream represents your way of dealing with all problems and difficulties in your life.
If you are floating easily and if you feel relaxed in your dream, it means that you will solve all problems easily.
But, if you had difficulties while you were floating, it means that it will not be easy to get rid of your problems and to overcome the obstacles.
However, most important is to believe in yourself and to be patient. If you are working hard and if you have faith, you will get out of the unpleasant situation and you will feel much better.
Dreaming of a clear river. If the river in your dream was clear and calm, it is a good sign.
This dream may symbolize peace, fertility, joy and progress that may be expecting you in the future.
But, if you had a dream about a clear river, it can also be a reminder for you to take action and to do something important in your life.
Dreaming of a dirty river. If you have seen a dirty river in your dream, it means that you will be in a very uncomfortable situation in the near future. You will have to face something immoral and unpleasant. But, fortunately, this problem will be temporary and you will solve it.
Sometimes a dream about a dirty river may be a symbol of misunderstanding.
It means that you will have misunderstanding with someone, so you will get in an unpleasant situation.
Dreaming of a frozen river. This dream has also a negative meaning. It usually means that you don’t have interest in anything in your life.
You are feeling old and you don’t pay attention to the opportunities that may be in front of you.
Dreaming of an overflowing and turbulent river. If you have dreamed about an overflowing and turbulent river, it means that you don’t have control over your own life.
But, this dream can also have another meaning. It can mean that you are ready to face the challenges and obstacles in your life. You are ready to changes something and to make your life better.
Dreaming of a contaminated river. If the river in your dream was contaminated, it means that you are very tired and depressive.
Also, this dream can be a warning for health problems that you may have
. So, if you had this dream, you should take more care of you both physical and mental health.
Dreaming of bathing in the river. If you had this dream, it is a symbol of cleansing and purification. You may have made mistakes in the past, but now you are trying to do everything to make yourself a better person.
Dreaming of swimming against the stream of a river. This dream means that many problems and difficulties will appear on your way.
But, if you overcome the river stream, it means that you will achieve all your goals.
Dreaming of a famous river. If you have dreamed of a famous river, like the Amazon, it means that you will have many problems in the near future, but you should learn how to deal with them.
If a man had this type of a dream, it means that a certain woman and her abilities will help him get out of a difficult situation.
Dreaming of a drowned person in a river. If you have dreamed about a drowned person in a river, then it may be a warning fo you.
It is possible that in the near future many problems will appear in your life, so you may lose your fortune.