Dreams About Bleeding – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreams about bleeding may be uncomfortable and even scary, but in most cases they are a symbol of passion and love.

Of course, sometimes bloody dreams may also reflect conflicts or a disappointment that you will experience in a near future.

In this article we will tell you something more about the meaning of your bloody dreams.

If you also love interpreting your dreams, read carefully this article.

Dreams About Bleeding – Interpretation and Meaning

You Are Bleeding. If you see in your dream that you are losing a lot of blood, it usually refers to your emotional condition. You may be feeling tired and your heart may be empty.

This dream can also refer to some conflicts that you have with your friends. Of course, these conflicts will lead to stress and loss of energy in a following period.

Studies have shown that women usually dream about bleeding during their menstrual period or if they are pregnant. If a pregnant woman dreams about bleeding, this dream may also refer to a life force.

Other Person Is Bleeding. If you are dreaming that someone else is bleeding, it means that this person needs your help.

Also, if someone else is bleeding, it means that this person will have a conflict with you or with some other person.

If you cannot see clearly in your dream which person is bleeding, it means that you will experience a big change in your life and that you will be confused.

Your Hands Are Bleeding. If you see in your dream that your hands are bleeding, it means that you are feeling guilty for something that you have done.

Donating Blood. If you see in your dream that you are donating blood, it means that you are too stressed and drained in a physical sense.

Maybe you are dedicated to other persons too much.

This dream should be a warning for you to think more about yourself.

Also, the dream about donating blood or a transfusion may indicate that your problems will go away very soon.

Blood Everywhere. If you dream that blood is everywhere around you, it means that you have too much stress in your life.

Coughing Blood. If you are coughing blood in your dream, it is a sign that you are dedicated to some things that are not so important. You waste your energy on silly things.

Menstrual Bleeding. If you dream that you have a menstrual bleeding, it is a good sign.

Actually, you are releasing your worries and you are feeling relaxed. You may be feeling a creative energy as well.

Menstrual bleeding is also a symbol of femininity and fertility. But, if menopausal women dream about menstrual bleeding, this dream refers to a vitality that is being renewed.

Sometimes women may also dream of menstrual bleeding if they are too worried about their cycle. Studies have shown that women in their ovulating period usually dream of their menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

These are some of the most common dreams about bleeding and each of them has a different meaning, as you have already seen.

If it happens that you see in your dream a word “blood”, this dream indicates that your actual situation is impossible to change soon.

Also, if you dream about a blood clot that is inside your body, it means that you are in a very difficult situation at the moment.

If you see green blood in your dream, it means that you feel jealousy.

You may be jealous of your close friend or you may have a conflict with him.


As you have seen, bloody dreams are typical for women during their period or shortly before a period.

Also, bleeding in a dream may refer to a loss of power or emotional exhaustion.

Bloody dreams may also indicate that you will have a conflict with your friends, as we have already mentioned above. Because of that, it is best to avoid any conflict situations.

We hope this article has been interesting for you and we are sure that you will be able to interpret your bloody dreams more thoroughly after reading this article.

Keep in mind that you should take into account all the circumstances and details from your dream in order to get its real meaning.


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