Dreams About Earthquakes – Interpretation and Meaning

Earthquakes are natural disasters that happen occasionally and usually cause a lot of damage and bring a lot of misfortune. For centuries people have dealt with consequences of earthquakes since there is no way to prevent them. They are a perfect representation of how powerful the nature can be and how helpless we can be at times.

When we dream about an earthquake then the dream can have different meanings and symbolism, depending on the overall situation and other symbols in the dream.

Dream about an earthquake in general

If you had a dream about an earthquake in general, then this dream represents you are experiencing some troubles in your personal life or in your professional life. We dream about powerful forces, like an earthquake, only when we are experiencing something very painful in our real life.

This dream can also appear after you have survived a natural disaster, or even an earthquake, and now you are reliving this experience all over again in your dream. This is perfectly normal, because most of us stay under a huge impact after a big disaster and these fears and impressions disappear over time.

Dream about seeing a town in ruins after an earthquake

If you saw a town in ruins or a single house in ruins after an earthquake, then this dream represents your inner hidden feelings. These feelings are probably linked to your business and career. Your plans and business ideas have failed and now you feel like all of your hard work was meaningless.

You should definitely concentrate on the future and avoid focusing too long on the past.

This dream can also represent a failed romantic relationship. You probably ended a relationship recently and now you feel like something is missing in your life. If this was someone worth fighting for, then you should try make things better or at least come clean about your feelings.

Dream about your house surviving an earthquake

If you had a dream about your house surviving an earthquake, then this dream represents your family. If you were worried about your family members, then you can be calm because nothing bad is going to happen to them or to you. This dream represents all the enemies that won’t be able to get to you and them and harm you in any way.

If you had a dream about a city in ruins and your home is untouched, then this dream represents that you are going to be able to defeat your enemies. They won’t be able to make their plans come true and hurt you, so you can sleep peacefully knowing that you are going to be safe.

Dream about feeling safe during an earthquake

If you had a dream about feeling safe during an earthquake, then this dream represents that all of your plans are going to be successful and you will be able to finish everything in time. This dream is actually a positive sign and a sign of good luck.

If you are in a difficult financial situation, then this dream brings good news. You are going to gain a certain amount of wealth or you are going to get out of debt with the help of someone.

Dream about being hurt by an earthquake

If you had a dream where you were the victim of an earthquake, then this dream represents that you are going to be affected by some sort of a disaster in your life. This dream can be linked to your personal or business life, but either way you will be hurt by the upcoming situation. Be prepared for everything that is coming your way and don’t get surprised by the things that are coming.

Dream about feeling an earthquake

If you had a dream about the ground shaking underneath you, then this dream represents you are going to hear some bad news from someone. The news could be related to someone close to you or they could be related to your business projects.

News won’t be good, so be careful in the upcoming period and don’t be surprised when you hear the news. Adapt to the situation and don’t overreact whatever happens.

Dream about cracks in the ground after an earthquake

If the ground was cracked after an earthquake, then this dream represents that you might be thinking about something but you are unable to make the decision. Somehow you can’t decide what to do and nobody seems to be able to give you the right advice.

This decision is something you need to make yourself without anybody’s help. If you ask others for help, then you might regret it later on, because things could end up being completely wrong.

Dream about watching an earthquake

When you had a dream about watching an earthquake, but you were standing somewhere safe, this dream represents you are going to hear some bad news from someone.

Similar to the dream we mentioned above, this dream is a negative sign and you will probably hear bad news regarding your business or personal life.

Dream about hiding from an earthquake

If you were running away and hiding from an earthquake in your dream, then this dream represents that you are very spontaneous when you make decisions and this usually costs you later on. You should practice being more practical and think more about the things you are planning to do.

When we rush and make decisions, we usually don’t think about the future and that can be a big mistake. Sometimes, something that seems right at the moment could be completely wrong, when we look at it for the long run so be more careful when you are making decisions.

Dream about hearing an earthquake

If you had a dream about hearing an earthquake, then this dream means you could be betrayed by your close friends or relatives. You will be the victim of a certain situation that will be caused by them, and there will be nothing you can do to make things better.

Be careful around others and don’t trust them, because you might end up being hurt. Be careful what you tell others and don’t reveal your secrets to anyone, until you make sure that they are your real friends.

Dream about hearing about an earthquake

If you had a dream about an earthquake happening somewhere, then this dream means you are going to go on an exciting trip really soon. This trip will be an eye-opener for you and you will learn so much from it. Make sure you don’t miss this opportunity and buckle up for a real adventure.

Dream about ash and smoke from an earthquake

If you had a dream about ash and smoke from an earthquake, then this dream represents a possible social conflict that will take place near you. Perhaps this is already happening in your surroundings and now you are visualizing it through your dream.

Dream about rescuing someone from an earthquake

If you saved someone from an earthquake, then this dream is a symbol of great misfortune your close friend or relative is going to experience. He or she will need your help and you will have to prepared to save them from whatever comes along the way.

This person is someone who is very dear to you and someone who has always been there to help and support you, so it would be a betrayal from your side, not to help them.

Dream about watching others save themselves from an earthquake

Watching other people run away from an earthquake is a symbol for your family members and family. They are going to need your help and you will have to be there for them. Perhaps someone will get sick and you will have to take care of them.

Family is the most important thing in the world, and even though you might have had indifferences with your relatives, they are the closest friends you will ever have.

Dream about being trapped during an earthquake

If you had a dream that you are trapped during an earthquake, then this dream represents that you are feeling stuck in your life and that there is no way out of this current situation you are in. Somehow your life turned out completely different than you hoped, and you don’t know how to make things work for you again.

When this happens, it is best to reexamine your decisions and think about the mistakes you may have made. Sometimes the solution is close and sometimes we will have to work hard to get to where we want to be.

Dream about losing someone during an earthquake

If you had a dream about losing someone close to you, during an earthquake, might represent your feelings towards that person. You feel like you two drifted away and things aren’t as they used to be. Perhaps it is time to have an honest talk to this person so that you can explain what you are feeling and so that you can find a mutual solution for the current situation.


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