The Aquarius sign on the Chiron creates very close effects to the solar, so the Aquarius Chiron is full of very creative and unique originality and thought. These are people who value their freedom very much and would like to expand it to all who need to be free.
The big problem is due to the life of the Aquarius Chiron. He has probably had trauma related to the arrest of this freedom. Thus stories of hereditary slavery, family history, or even relationships with siblings can be the prisons of adulthood.
When we talk about these prisons, we do not mean physical prisons, destinations for criminals. We make mention of spiritual prisons, where freedom and willingness to express oneself are “imprisoned” due to society. Many times our characteristics of birth will bother people and we will be pruned into something we never were.
Brainwashes are also very common. Homosexuality in the Aquarius Chiron is a very natural phenomenon, as it can create a prison in which he himself is not accepted, due to the big “no” he received when he was small.
He will only heal in life if he begins to think more about himself, knowing that each human being is different and that each has a special characteristic. This is exactly what makes us who we are.
The advice for the Aquarius Chiron is acceptance and freedom from one’s choices. These people should breathe, look into a mirror and make an effort to remember who they really are. They are free and can do whatever they want.
They need to remember and re-exercise their spirituality, as well as never abandon their highest principles, even if they have been learned from the people who hurt them most in life, their own family or friends.
Chiron in Aquarius Man
Intimate exploration in the Aquarius Chiron man is a very natural phenomenon, as it can create a prison in which he himself is not accepted, due to the big “no” he received when he was small.
He will only heal in life if he begins to think more about himself, knowing that each human being is different and that each has a special characteristic. This is exactly what makes us who we are.
The advice for the Aquarius Chiron is acceptance and freedom from one’s choices. These people should breathe, look into a mirror and make an effort to remember who they really are. They are free and can do whatever they want.
They need to remember and re-exercise their spirituality, as well as never abandon their highest principles, even if they have been learned from the people who hurt them most in life, their own family or friends.
Chiron in Aquarius Woman
Chiron in Aquarius for women can indicate wounds in collective relationships, freedom or personal originality. Aquarius is an energy that has affinity with the different, the revolutionary, and the original. It is like the superior mind endowed with an incredible sense of community.
People with this position on the birth chart may find it difficult to fit in with certain social groups, or they may feel hurt by others because of the way they express themselves individually.
May indicate feelings of inadequacy and social rejection. Aquarius brings the desire for freedom, originality and the good of the collective.
Chiron in Aquarius can undermine such things in the individual, eventually making him feel uncomfortable in large groups, perhaps because he finds himself different. You may be more likely to feel disconnected or isolated.
Good Traits
People who have Chiron in Houses XI or XII, in Aquarius or Pisces, as well as those who have it in House VIII or in Scorpio, are often intensely connected with the depth of the psyche and with the collective unconscious, but also they defend themselves strongly from all this.
You have to have great strength to be able to give expression to ideas (House XI), or collective feelings (House XII), without being carried away by them or losing your own individuality in the process.
However, in these Houses and these Signs Chiron offers the possibility that we will be able to do it, although for that reason a price is generally paid: that of feeling somewhat isolated on our trip.
With this Quiron location, we are vulnerable to the influence of the collective unconscious, in the sphere of ideas and ideals.
Although we have the possibility of being original and revolutionary thinkers, we are also prone to adopt stereotyped attitudes. Instead of having our own opinions, we could adopt those of the group or trend that we follow.
There is a danger that we will be enslaved by the ideas of another person, without realizing that this is how we stop our evolution.
With this Quiron location, the native will benefit if he learns to use his individual mind in a creative, concrete way and with rational discernment.
If you are able to build a properly saturnine vehicle to transmit the Uranian energy of your thoughts, you will discover that you can contribute something important to others through a truly independent way of thinking. These natives usually have an intensely critical attitude towards society, and reject it as much as possible.
Below that, however, there may be a strong desire to make a positive contribution, and if they cannot find a way to do it, they are likely to get depressed and angry, and then channel their need into acts of rebellion, destructiveness and anarchy
However, with Chiron here we have, potentially, the gift of balancing the opposites represented by Saturn and Uranus, of really bridging the old and the new, and being able to embrace innovation without totally rejecting the past.
Then we influence others in a positive way, giving the example of a creative nonconformity, rather than trying to convince them of the “correctness” of our ideas.
We defend our own individuality and make a positive contribution to the group in which we live, although it is unlikely that we will belong to the status quo.
By accepting limitations and imperfections, we can allow others to find their own way, instead of imposing our ideas on them. As long as we have not found the measure of our inner freedom, we are likely to fear compromise.
However, Chiron provides the possibility of maintaining individual freedom within a commitment to life, and this is particularly important when Chiron is in Aquarius.
This location can inspire, in those who have it, a certain horror of the groups and the collective, partly because they are very sensitive to the influence and mastery of collective ideas, and perhaps they only feel comfortable when they own themselves, or when they take the role of the stranger or the dissident.
It is common for women who have this location to have problems in their relationship with their father, who may have embodied the most difficult characteristics of Aquarius: cold, critical, distant, insensitive and authoritarian.
Bad Traits
Mental clarity, the ability to have an equidistant and neutral perspective on things, a highly developed sense of social, religious or political potential, and a great ability to express current trends within the collective, are some of the gifts of this site.
Capacities that however are also, at the same time, double-edged swords that need to be tempered through the humility provided by the fact of having felt our own suffering and accepted the inherent limitations of life.
Social rejection can cause people with this position to move away from people, relating only to those who share the same interests.
But they tend to have a real talent for helping others express themselves. To find the path to healing, they must learn to be themselves and appreciate their differences. This can be a difficult lesson as some do not feel as comfortable on their skin. Joining groups that encourage the expression of individuality can help them regain their originality and sense of freedom.
Chiron in Aquarius may indicate a possible desire to isolate oneself from others. But Aquarius knows that everyone needs friends. If the person was injured in social or group situations, it is more difficult to trust and make friends.
Therefore, one should try to join groups, seeking friendships in order to end this bad impression. You may have an innate talent for helping the collective on account of Aquarian humanitarianism.
It can also help others not to be ashamed of being different by using their experience and wisdom in the process. You may want to be different, but you need to know if this is what you really want or if it is just a reaction against conventional thinking.
Nor should you care so much for what others think by following your own course, even if it is unconventional. Logic, communication and information will be your main allies in solving these problems.
Chiron in Aquarius – General Info
CHIRON gives the feeling of not belonging to the group to be different. The Longing for the like-minded, who will understand and strengthen one of the Fear accompanies that one might yet join the wrong community has. CHIRON also awakens the desire for freedom.
So get out of the group to stand out again and to be different. With this constellation, the born can recognize and open up abstract contexts understandable way to explain. He can also teach others, more about his own individuality get.
CHIRON in the 11th house and in the aspect to Uranus Chiron brings you into connection with issues of individual development, one’s own Ideas as well as working with groups and like-minded people more vulnerable. This is inner restlessness and self-doubt connected. You sense a yearning, your own to express nature and to go your own way.
At the same time you have a need for groups and like-minded people who understand you, strengthen you and yours Sharing worldview. If you joined a group, you will be contacted soon Doubt whether this community really suits you. Subliminal acts with you as well a fear of being expelled from your group by being different.
The rapid technical development of our time fascinates you.
On the other hand, you suspect that also connected to it threats to humanity and life on earth at all could be. Your higher self knows that man must not do everything he can do.
This constellation gives you the ability to recognize abstract relationships and explain it to others in an understandable way. You can also teach others more about to find your own individuality.
The sensitivity applied to this Chiron constellation in conjunction with groups and Like-minded people need to first recognize and accept this facility.
Accept the associated inner turmoil and trust the message of yours higher self. Your intuition and creativity will then unfold more and more.
What robs you of the strength that makes you sick: a life that disillusioned you, that has no more highlights, freezes into routine and pushes you into stuffy limits?
They need the freedom, the curiosity, and the moving life. Mediocrity feels like a failure. You have not used your chances and that makes you sick.
People who restrict you, who make you fight for the air. This can be your partner, your family, your boss, your friends. Who does not see your talents, your strengths, who wrongly treats you, takes away your self-confidence? Gives you the feeling of having failed. They unite. Back pain spreads, allergies that are like an aggression against you.
Chiron in Aquarius is a spiritual brother, the soulmate, the true buddy, who does not have to emotionally close to you.
It is another, a higher love that unites you. Your hours of discussion, your mental struggles are like a therapy for you, which strengthens your inner balance and thus promotes your self-healing powers, makes you healthy.