Biblical Meaning of Feces In a Dream

Well this type of a dream can be considered uncommon and even undesirable. Even though we consider this appearance in a dream unbelievable it still surprises us and shows us that our dreams are not under our control.

It is funny when you think about it actually, our mind works all by itself and it does not even make a pause.

So dreams can appear whether we want them to appear or not, we cannot even predict what we are going to dream about and will we like it or not.

Everything that we see when we are awake can appear in our dream, sometimes dreams do not even have a special meaning they are just products of our mind but there are times in which we should really analyse our dreams.

Through dreams, our subconscious is trying to tell us something or perhaps even warn us about something but we do not listen to it when we should.

Power of dreams is not questionable, and luckily now we have a lot of different sources to gain knowledge about them and we should use it the right way.

Okay everyone knows what is feces or poop, it is a product of human body in which the body is trying to get rid of unnecessary products that are in our body.

That way our body can remove even toxins and we all know the feeling after we poop where we feel lighter and better.

If we did not poop we would blow up eventually, luckily we do. But how does that affect our dreams, how does the poop appear in our dreams?

It may appear because we poop constantly, by that we are almost always pooping and as it is already said that when we see or do something everyday it is normal for that to appear in our dream.

That implies for dreams about feces, but these dreams are not really what we want to dream about.

These dreams may even leave a lot of people confused without any clue what just happened after dreaming about this.

These dreams are not really nightmares and they are not really exciting  to dream about.

Even though this activity is common, these dreams are not that uncommon actually not a lot of people can dream about feces.

And also not a lot of people are aware that these dreams may even have a deep meaning.

Well it is obvious to not see these dreams as meaningful or to see them as something that can be a good sign for you.

First thought that may pop up in your head is bad luck or that you will be in a pile well of feces in your real life but in other context.

Maybe you are thinking that some kind of problem will show up and that you will have a hard time trying to resolve it. But feces in a dream are actually a symbol of success and wealth.

It means that your luck is going to change, but for the better believe it or not.

You will receive a lot of opportunities which could be the ones to give you a lot of money. So as you can see these dreams are actually a good sign for the dreamer and you should listen to them.

Dreaming about feces  is a sign of fortune and receiving a lot of good news in your near future.

So there are different types of scenarios related to feces, you can dream about activities like you pooping or someone else pooping, you can even dream about seeing poop all by itself. This dream was never the favourite one.

So without further ado you can find the meaning of your dreams in this text, you have to remember all of the details from your dream if you want to find the true meaning behind it.

The Most Common Dreams of Feces

Dreaming of you pooping- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about pooping somewhere, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to experience success very soon.

Depending on how big your stool is, that is the size of your future win and success.

There are different types of wins that can appear for example winning a certain game, having a promotion at your job, maybe even winning a certain bet.

So pay attention to the details if you really want to know the meaning behind this dream.

But you should not worry about it because these dreams are not a bad sign, even if you think they are remember that they are not.

Dreaming of human feces- If you had a dream like this in which yiu are dreaming about human feces, then this type of a dream could actually mean more than one thing.

So dreaming about human feces could be a sign of shame.

This means that you have done something bad that you shouldn’t have but it is what it is you can’t really change it even if you want to.

The other possible case scenario is that you are dreaming about human feces because you are not doing the things that spark a joy in you.

So maybe you are spending too much time on your job, studying, going out, but you are not really doing anything productive for your soul.

Meaning that you are not doing anything for your soul.

Maybe you love painting or writing, but somehow you do not get the chance to do that because of the lack of time.

Maybe you love reading books but you have not read any books recently because you do not have the time to do so.

So take a vacation from everything and do something just for yourself not for anyone else and you will be happier than you are now.

Dreaming of seeing feces on the toilet- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about seeing feces on the toilet, then this type of a dream could be a sign of possible issues and challenges.

So this time that is soon to come will bring a lot of obstacles that you need to conquer.

Maybe this is referred to someone from your surrounding, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this is going to be your path.

This type of a dream is also a sign of possible embarrassment so be careful with your activities and your tongue.

Dreaming of baby poop- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about baby poop, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are at a risk for a heartbreak.

Perhaps there is a certain situation that could break your heart and you must be careful.

This type of a dream could also be a bad sign, perhaps some kind of a problem is likely to pop up.

But also this type of a dream in most cases is a good sign for the dreamer, representing health and wellbeing.

This all depends on the look of the baby feces, so this is why you must remember all those little details no matter how disgusting they may seem.

Dreaming of stepping on the poop- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about stepping on the poop, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to get lucky very soon.

If you had a bad period of time, then this type of a dream could mean that the new beginnings are ahead of you so do not worry about it anymore.

Stepping on the poop in a dream could also be a sign that you are financially stable and that you have the room to make a risk which could pay off.

Perhaps you should make some kind of investment in order to get richer.

But you should be familiar with the field you wish to invest your money into because it could be a disaster if you go all in blindly.

This dream may seem frustrating and confusing but you can see that it is not something bad at all, it is actually a good sign.

Also this type of a dream could mean that you are going to step out of your comfort zone very soon.

Dreaming of seeing feces on the road- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about seeing feces on the road, then this type of a dream could be a sign of possible issues with your past.

So there is a possibility that you have made some mistakes which keep you up at night,  don’t ever think that you are alone.

Every single human has made a mistake they regret every day and night but that doesn’t stop them from living and moving forward.

You need to realize what has been done in the past should stay there and only there.

Your past has no business in your head, you need to accept the way it is and keep you head up while moving on from that mistake.

If you keep rethinking something for too long you will live in your past or in your head and not one of those is a good option.

You need to be prepared to embrace the change and to embrace your flaws.

And if you have some issues regarding your past then resolve them immediately do not overthink them every night and day, man up and resolve them properly.

That way you won’t have problems following you in your life.

Dreaming of collecting feces- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about collecting feces, then this type of a dream could be a sign of prosperity.

It can also be a sign that your financial state is going to improve really soon and really fast so be prepared for that.

Dreaming of collecting feces is also a sign that your doors are open for you and that you have the chance to make a financial risk which will pay off if it is made properly.

Dreaming of cleaning feces- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about cleaning feces, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are cleansing yourself.

This dream is usually connected with spirituality and turning to religious ways of living.

Perhaps you lived sinfully, you enjoyed temporary pleasures like alcohol or drugs or one night stands but now you want to be more serious about your life.

You do not want to spend your life living that way anymore, you want to be healthy and you want to feel like you have a purpose.

So perhaps you are seeking for your answers in religion and in faith.

Whatever the case is you should do whatever it is that makes you happy and calm.

A lot of people turn to religion after some time, this is because we sin all the time even those who do not look like they do but they do.

Dreaming of seeing feces in your bed- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about seeing feces in your bed, then this type if a dream could be a sign that you are not living your life to the fullest or at least not in the way you should.

So this type of a dream could be a sign that you should start doing something fun with your life, because everything will pass eventually and it will be faster than you could imagine.

So throughout this dream your subconscious is trying to tell you that you should be more open to changes and new possibilities.

You can do amazing things in this life so do not let that past with you sitting and watching it go.

Dreaming of holding feces- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming of holding feces in your hands, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are holding a huge chance in your hands.

You could do amazing things at this moment right now so you should.

If you want to open up a restaurant then go , just have someone beside you who knows exactly what you are doing so that you do not make a mistake .

Keep believing that there is always something great in front of you and you will live a happy life without problems.

Dreaming of eating poop- If you had a dream like this in which you are eating poop, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are forgetting that you are the main character in your life and that you have the power to change whatever you want in your life.

Perhaps something is not right in your life and that is not unfixable but you are not doing anything to improve that.

You have to be aware if the fact that you can do anything you want to do, you just need to have more faith in yourself and you must be confident that you are capable of everything.


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