It is usually believed that the dreams about teeth have negative meaning. But, it is not always the case. The meaning of teeth dreams can be either positive or negative, depending on many factors. It is important to take into account the situation in which you have seen your teeth in a dream and also all the details that have appeared in your dream.
Did you dream about falling out and losing your teeth or you have seen in your dream that your teeth are crumbling? Did you dream about broken, false or healthy teeth? Now you will see interpretation and meaning for each of these dreams about teeth.
Dreams about Teeth Falling Out
Dreams about teeth falling out are the most common type of teeth dreams. There is a belief that it is a negative sign if you are dreaming about your teeth falling out.
But, fortunately, we can tell you that these dreams can have both negative and positive meanings. In most cases dreams about teeth falling out symbolize changes that will happen in a life of a dreamer, as well as his fears. According to Freud, these dreams can have a sexual connotation and they reflect our repressed sexual feelings and desires.
Changes. One of the most common meanings of the teeth falling out dream can be changes that are happening in your real life. If there is a transition period in your life, it is possible to dream about the teeth falling out. Also, if you feel confused or anxious about something in your life, you are more likely to have such dream.
Studies have shown that women in menopause and also children who are growing up are dreaming about the teeth falling out very often.
Insecurity. If you are confused or insecure about yourself or about your life, then you will probably dream about your teeth falling out. You may be also worried about the image that you have in public because for you it is very important what other people say and think about you. It is proved that the dreams about the teeth falling out reflect the anxiety that you have about your physical appearance. You find it very important how other people perceive you. If you feel that someone treats you bad, you are more likely to have a dream about your teeth falling out.
Losing something or someone. If you have recently lost something or someone very important in your life, then it is possible to dream about the teeth falling out. Also, if you are afraid of growing old, then you will certainly have such dream. You may be afraid of losing your sexual power and your attractivity. That’s one more reason why women in menopause are dreaming often about their teeth falling out.
Feeling embarrassed. Another reason for these dreams may be your fear of feeling embarrassed in front of other people. If you have been made a fool in a certain situation, there is a big possibility that you will dream about your teeth falling out. Actually, these dreams mean that you are too worried and anxious about something.
Regret. Regret is also one of the most common meanings of a falling out teeth dream. If you have recently done something bad and if you feel guilty because of that, then you will probably dream about your teeth falling out. This dream can mean that you had an argument with someone you love, so you have said some things you regret now.
Lack of self-confidence. If you are not self-confident enough in your real life, then it is possible to dream about your teeth falling out. If it is very difficult for you to express yourself and if you feel inferior in a certain situation, then you will certainly dream about your teeth falling out. This dream is actually warning you to believe more in yourself and to express your opinions without any fear.
Poor diet. There is one more belief related to the dreams about teeth falling out. Actually, it is believed that these dreams indicate that your nutrition is very bad. You don’t eat enough and you don’t eat the right food, so your diet may be poor.
As you have seen, there are different reasons that may trigger the teeth falling out dreams. You will dream about your teeth falling out if you are worried about your appearance, about getting older or if you feel embarrassed in front of other people. Also, these dreams reflect your anxiety and your fears.
If you have also dreamed about your teeth falling out, then you should ask yourself if you are passing through some changes in your life or if you are afraid of getting old. Maybe you are going through puberty or menopause, so this type of dreams is absolutely normal. If you are feeling that you are not treated well by other people, then it is possible to dream that your teeth are falling out. Also, we have already said that the loss of something or someone important in your life can be the reason for these dreams.
Dreams about Losing Teeth
Dreams about losing teeth are also very common and their meanings are similar to the teeth falling out dreams. If you have lost a tooth in your dream and if you are trying to find it, this dream has a negative meaning.
Actually, the dream of a lost tooth means that you have lost something or someone you love very much. That’s why you are very said and you are passing through a very difficult period in your life.
Dreams about Broken Teeth
In most cases dreams about breaking your teeth have negative meaning. These dreams symbolize something that is breaking in your waking life or something that you need to pay more attention to. Of course, it is important to remember many details that you have seen in your dream about broken teeth.
Now you will find out more about the interpretation and the meaning of these dreams. Also, we will tell you possible reasons in your waking life that may trigger this type of dreams.
Concerns and guilt. If you have dreamed about your teeth being broken, then this dream reflects your worries about your health or about your physical appearance. Also, these dreams may mean that you are feeling guilty for something that you have promised, but you have not done.
Losing something or someone. Dreams about breaking your teeth may indicate that you feel pain because you have lost someone or something that was very important for you. Also, it is possible that there are many changes in your life at that moment. You may have changed a job or a partner or there is some other change in your waking life that may cause you emotonal pain.
Dreams about Crumbling Teeth
Dreams about the teeth crumbling are also very common. These dreams usually symbolize powerlessness of a dreamer, but they may also have other meanings. More about the meanings and the interpretation of these dreams you can see below.
Consequences of your compromises. If you had a dream about your teeth crumbling, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision in a future period. Actually, you will have to make a compromise, which will be very difficult for you. You may make a decision to stay in a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you anymore or you may stay at the job that doesn’t satisfy your needs. You will do these thing but you will not be happy. You may feel frustrated and nervous and you will also feel that you are losing your time. Wrong choices can also cause conflicts that you can have with other people, as well as the conflicts that may appear in yourself.
Losing a power. If you dream about your teeth crumbling, it can mean that you are feeling like you are losing your power in a waking life. You feel like you are not able to control certain situations in your life, so they are going out of your control. You are probably going through a very difficult situation in your life and you don’t know what to do to change it.
Also, a dream in which you see crumbling teeth may reflect your fear of getting old. You are afraid of physical aging and losing your beauty, so you feel completely powerless.
As you can see, if you dream about crumbling teeth, this dream can have different meanings. This dream may remind you of all the consequences that your decision will have. Because of that, it would be best to think well before you make any decision in a future period. Also, a dream about crumbling teeth can mean that certain things in your life are falling apart. It means that things are changing in your life and you are not able to control them.
Dreams about False Teeth
If you dream about false teeth, it means that someone is probably lying you, so you should be careful. It is possible that you have a lot of false friends who would betray you at any moment. Try not to believe to everyone because you may be disappointed.
Also, the dream about false teeth can mean that you were lying in certain situation. Try to remember if you have deceived someone or if you have done something bad recently. You may have broken a promise or you may have revealed someone’s secret. All these situations in your waking life may cause you to dream about false teeth.
Dreams about Healthy Teeth
Dreams about healthy and white teeth are usually very comfortable for a dreamer. These dreams have a positive meaning, so you can relax if you have dreamed about healthy teeth. This dream symbolizes your self-confidence as well as your success. It is possible that you have had a lot of success in the past few days, so you are feeling proud of yourself.
Dreams about Pulling Teeth
Dreams about pulling teeth are also very frequent and they can have different meanings. If you have dreamed about pulling teeth, the meaning of this dream depends on many factors. It is important to remember if it was easy for you to pull out your teeth or not. If you have dreamed that you were pulling your teeth with difficulties and if it was very painful for you, then it can mean that you will have to do something that is not easy to do. There is a difficult period in front of you and you will have to face many difficult situations.
However, if you dreamed that you are pulling your teeth without any effort, it means that you will achieve your goal without difficuties. You will not have to work hard in this case.
Dreams about Rotting Teeth
It is considered that the dreams about rotting teeth have a very bad meaning. Actually, they indicate that something in your life will go bad soon. If you had such dream, it is important to remember if someone was with you in your dream and what did you feel during that dream. Also, it is important to think if there is something in your waking life that is going bad now. Are you going through a difficult situation maybe? Do you have problems and worries that are bothering you all the time? If you do, it means that your dream is only a reflection of something that is happening in your real life.
You have seen in this article some of the most common teeth dreams. Also, you have seen that the meaning of a teeth dream will depend on whether you have dreamed about your teeth falling out, broken teeth, false teeth, crumbling teeth, pulling teeth, etc. All these are possible situations that you can see in your dream and each of these dreams will have different meaning. As you have seen, most of the dreams about teeth don’t have positive meaning, so it is better not to dream about teeth at all.
Other Meanings of the Dreams about Teeth
There are different interpretations of teeth dreams in different cultures in the world. Now you will see some of the most common meanings of teeth dreams all around the world. Some of them have been mentioned in this article but there are also some other interpretations of teeth dreams.
Lying. For example, there is a belief in China that you will dream about losing your teeth if you are lying. Also, if you dream false teeth, it is a sign that you are lying or that someone else is lying you.
Money. In some cultures losing teeth in a dream usually means that you will lose your money soon. On the other hand, in some cultures a dream about losing teeth can mean that you will actually find money in a future period, so your financial situation will be much better.
Illness. There is another very popular meaning of teeth dreams. In many cultures it is believed that teeth dreams reflect serious illness that may affect you or someone you love. So, if you dream about teeth, it would be best to see a doctor, just in case.
We hope you have learned a lot about teeth dreams in this article. You have seen that teeth dreams can have both positive and negative meanings, but in most cases their meaning is not good. Of course, it is important to take into account all the details that you have seen in your dream about teeth, because it is the only way to interpret your teeth dream properly. Dreams about the teeth falling out are the most common teeth dreams, but it is also possible to dream about crumbling teeth, broken teeth, false teeth, as well as healthy teeth. You have seen the interpretation for each of these dreams.
We hope you liked this article and we are sure that it will be useful for you. If you have ever dreamed about teeth, you may have been afraid, but now you have seen that there is no always reason to be worried. In most cases teeth dreams only reflect something that is happening in our real life. We are sure that now you understand teeth dreams much better, so you may be able to interpret your next teeth dream on your own. Good luck!