Owl – Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning

Everyone has a spirit animal. In old times people were going into the woods to find their spirit animals. A spirit animal will offer you protection and it will lead you along your life path. If you don’t know which animal may be your animal totem, then it is time to find it out. You just need to learn how to connect with this animal and how to create relationship with your totem.

Your spirit animal will come to you at the particular phase in your life and it will bring many good things. Your totem will help you have success in different areas of your life. It may bring you wisdom, awareness, patience, bravery, joy, optimism and other useful traits and feelings that are necessary for you to be happy.

In this article we will talk about the owl as a spirit animal. The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey and it has large eyes with facial disks around them. This bird is one of the most powerful spirit animals and it will come into your life at the moments when you need to find the real truth.

The owl has been used as a spiritual symbol since long time ago. In ancient Greece it was believed that the owl protected the army because this bird is always watchful. On the other side, the Egyptians believed that the owl may protect the souls of dead people. In many old traditions it was believed that the owl is the companion of the soul, so it never gets lost. There was also a belief among native Americans that the owl was the symbol of the sacred knowledge. The owl was called “a night eagle“ because of its great vision.

Many birds of the night are usually associated with death, so it is believed that the owl may be a symbol of death, too. Nowadays many people believe that the owl is a bad omen and they don’t like to see this bird. However, the owl may bring many good things and positive changes into your life.

Now you will see what the owl may symbolize and what are the meanings of the owl as a spirit animal. If you identify yourself with this bird, it means that the owl is your animal totem. This article will help you understand better the symbolism of the owl and its spiritual meanings.

What does the Owl Symbolize?

The owl is a symbol of the patience, focus and observation. If it comes into your life, it will help you pay attention to special details and focus on them. Also, the owl that appears in your life, may be a symbol of silence and wisdom. Sometimes it is better to keep silent than speaking without purpose. Watchfulness is another trait of the owl that is very important to understand its spiritual meaning.

The owl is also a symbol of the hidden knowledge and intuition, which means that owl people are able to see something what is hidden from other people. It is also important to mention that the owl is sometimes considered the symbol of death, but it may not refer to real death. Sometimes it may be a symbolic death, which may refer to many changes that are going to happen in someone’s life.

The Owl Animal Totem

The owl animal totem will certainly help you see things from a higher perspective. If the owl comes into your life, you will have the opportunity to see the real truth. There is a belief that the owl will connect you with some other realms and also with the Angels, Ancestors and Devas. The owl will bring you important spiritual messages and it will show you the way to the Divine.

If the owl is your animal totem, you have to be ready to see many things that have been hidden from you for a long time. There will not be secrets and illusions in your life any more. As we have already said, the owl as your animal totem will help you find out the real truth. Thanks to the owl, you will be able to go through darkness because the owl will make your way clear and safe.

If the owl is your animal totem, it will help you see the spiritual being in each person. You will be able to see through human bodies and discover their biggest fears and secrets. It will be something like having the second sight.

The owl as your animal totem will help you connect yourself with the past, the present and also with the future at the same time. Actually, the owl will help you face your biggest fears and get rid of your past. When the owl as your animal totem flies into your life, then it is the time to leave your past behind and to go forward. Look in the future, because it is the only way to find your own happiness. The owl animal totem may also help you reveal your hidden talents and abilities. If the owl appears for you, it may be the time to reveal all your potentials to the world.

Now you may be wondering when you should call upon the owl as your animal totem. The best moment when you should do it is when you want to find the real truth of something. If you want to see things more clearly and if you want to get deep into someone’s minds, then the owl may help you. Also, if you want to focus on something and discover the details of a certain situation, then we recommend you to ask your owl animal totem for help.

Below you will see some other meanings that the owl as a spirit animal may bring to you. All these meanings will help you understand better the symbolism of the owl animal totem and all powers of this spirit animal.

Meanings of the Owl as a Spirit Animal

Truth. We have already said that the owl as your spirit animal will show you the real truth. It will reveal many secrets to you, so you will understand much better the world around you, but also the whole universe. Thanks to the owl spirit animal, you will have the ability to see the real meaning of something. You will know exactly what someone is doing and why this person is doing that. You will be able to see much deeper into someone’s mind and you will get rid of all illusions. If the owl is your spirit animal, there will not be place for deceit and deception in your life. All the secrets will be revealed and you will find out the real truth. The owl will teach you not to believe to someone’s appearance because it is only an illusion. The real truth may be hidden from you and the owl will help you find it out.

Clarity. If the owl appears in your life, it will lead you to a spiritual journey and you will never get lost. The owl will bring clarity to your life and it will help you going through darkness. Having the owl as your spirit animal, you will be strongly connected with the spiritual world.

Observation. If the owl comes in your life as your spirit animal, you will be able to observe more and to watch what is hapenning around you. You may be amazed when you notice some details that you haven’t noticed before. You will see that there are many different symbols and meanings in this world. Thanks to the owl as your spirit animal, you will be able to see the things much clearly and to observe thoroughly the world around you.

Creativity. Creativity is another trait of the owl that we can relate to the humans. The owl people usually express their creativity during the night. These people have inspiration and they usually get amazing ideas in the night hours.

Silence. If the owl is your spirit animal, then the silence is also one of your main characteristics. The owl spirit animal finds its strength in the silence. It means that if the owl is your spiritual guide, then you must be a silent person who never talks without purpose. You don’t like to waste your energy by talking something that is not important. You speak only when you have something important to say. You don’t like people who are talking all the time with no purpose.

Intuition. Of course, we have to mention intuition as one of the most important characteristics of the owl. If the owl spirit animal visits you, it is the sign that you should focus more on your intuition and let the intuition lead you through your life.

Unknown. If the owl is your spirit animal, then you certainly like to explore the mysteries of the life. You may be very interested in finding out more about the universe and some other realms. The owl will help you in it because it will bring you an important spiritual message from the unknown. You just need to interpret this message and to apply it to your daily life.

Change. The owl is usually a symbol of the changes that may happen in your life. If the owl appears for you, you should prepare for many changes that are coming soon. However, you should believe that these changes will be good for you because the owl spirit animal will protect you and it will give you strength and energy.

Death. In the end, we will also mention a traditional meaning of this bird. Since ancient times it was believed that the owl may announce death. There are also many people today who believe in this spiritual meaning. That’s why people are usually afraid when they see the owl, especially when they hear the sound of the owl in the night. For most people it is a bad sign, but you have seen that the owl may have many other meanings that are not related to death.

These are some of the most common meanings that the owl as a spirit animal may have. We hope it is much easier for you now to understand the spirit meaning of the owl and its symbolism. We are sure that you will not ignore the message that the owl will bring to you. But, you should have in mind that the owl may appear not only in your waking life, but also in your dreams. If you want to find out what the owl dreams may symbolize, you should continue reading this article. You will also see the interpretation of the most common owl dreams.

Dreams about the Owl – Interpretation and Meaning

The owl is a common symbol in our dreams. In most cases the dreams about the owl are warning you to be careful because there are a lot of false friends around you. Sometimes the owl in our dreams may also symbolize death. Now you will see some of the most common owl dreams and their interpretations.

Staring at an owl. If you have dreamed that you were staring at an owl, it means that you may be verbally abused. It probably refers to your job and your relation with the colleagues. In this case, you should change your behavior and not let anyone abuse you.

An owl staring at you. On the other side, if you have dreamed that an owl is staring at you, then you may be a very wise person. This dream is a symbol of your wisdom and intelligence. You should know that people around you respect you a lot and they admire your intelligence.

An owl screaming. If you have dreamed about an owl which is screaming, it means that you will reveal the secret of someone. The dream in which you have seen the owl speaking has the same meaning.

A silent owl. If you had a dream about a silent owl, this dream is a symbol of a secret. It may be your own secret or someone else’s secret. However, you are very good at keeping secrets and that’s why people love to share their secrets with you.

An angry owl. If you have dreamed about an owl which is very angry, it reflects your anger. Also, this dream may refer to your angry friend or your angry enemy. In this case you should be careful because someone around you is very angry and this person may do some bad things to you.

A flying owl. It is also possible to dream about a flying owl. This dream has a positive connotation. It means that you will have a lot of success on your work and you will achieve all your goals.

A dead owl. If you have dreamed about a dead owl, it means that you could have some health problems in the near future. This dream is warning you to visit your doctor and to check your health.


You have seen in this article all the meanings that the owl as a spirit animal may have. We have told you what the owl may symbolize and how to recognize the owl animal totem. As you have seen, the owl is a symbol of hidden knowledge and wisdom. It means that this spirit animal will help you find out something that others are not able to see.

If you let the owl be your spiritual guide, then your life will be based on truth and knowledge. There will not be illusions and deceits anymore. You will be able to go through the darkness and you will feel safe. The owl will take care of you and it will show you the best way. If the owl guides you through your life, then you will have the opportunity to explore other realms and get the messages from the unknown.


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