Dreams about king cobra are different than with the other snakes, well it is a king cobra after all.
The meaning of these dreams separates from usual meanings we know when it comes to snakes n general.
They are unpleasant dreams that can appear as nightmares and they can leave some permanent marks the day after.
There are different types of dreams about king cobra and every dream has a special meaning, so if you want to find out the meaning behind your dream you will have to remember it and analyse the details from your life.
These dreams are in general pretty uncommon, but they can appear and when they do they carry strong messages with them.
They can be a symbol of possible danger and enemy dressed as a good friend.
They are also warning signs about possible case scenarios if you do not change something at this moment.
You should listen to the message they have to offer you, because you will certainly need it.
Be careful around people and listen to your gut all the time.
The Most Common Dreams About King Cobra
Dreaming about killing a king cobra- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about killing a king cobra, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you will make a bad decision.
A certain person will try to approach you without any hidden agenda, but you will think that they are trying to meddle with your life so you will create a distance from this person.
But, at the same time you will trust your friend that is actually the one with a hidden agenda and this way you will end up being so hurt.
You tried to dodge the bullet, but in the end you are the one who fired it.
Also you need to be more cautious when it comes to people, clearly you are bad at reading them so teach yourself.
You need to know how to recognize a good and honest person from the evil one, of course this is not easy and you can see lots of people with masks these days, but again this is not impossible.
You just need to put into this more of desire and effort.
Dreaming about a king cobra that is trying to suffocate you- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a king cobra that is trying to suffocate you with its tail, then this type of a dream could be a sign that your close friends are being a burden to you.
You feel like you can’t get away from them, but hanging out with them is not what makes you sick.
The main problem here is that they are constantly talking to you when they need help about some situation.
They are asking questions and looking for your advices all the time, but they do not ask you if you need some help.
So this means that your friends are pretty selfish and that they do not care about you the way you do for them.
The worst part is that you tell them what to do and still they end up doing something they think is right.
And this makes you feel like you are being used and at the same time it means that you are not appreciated.
You feel like they don’t appreciate your opinions, but they are still looking for answers and they are asking your help.
Say no, do not let them use you and say what is wrong and what is the problem in that situation.
If you remain quiet, then you are the one who doesn’t appreciate you.
Dreaming about a king cobra that is wrapped around your leg- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a king cobra wrapped around your leg, then this type of a dream has several meanings.
Firstly, this type of a dream is a sign that you are late with accomplishing your tasks.
So you will have to work harder than ever before in order to complete them, you thought that you don’t need much time in order to finish them, well you were wrong clearly.
Learn from this experience and don’t make the same mistake again, if you have certain obligation then finish them on time so that you don’t have to go through this stress.
Secondly, this type of a dream is a sign that someone you love is going to get into trouble and this person will need your help with getting out of this situation.
This person will later show you their appreciation for this.
Dreaming about getting bitten by a king cobra- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about being bitten by a king cobra, then this type of a dream could be a sign that there will be a huge surprise in your near future.
Sadly, this will not be a pleasant surprise and this dream is not really a dream with a good sign.
So, one of your closest friend or family member will do something horrific that will leave you speechless.
Their action won’t just affect you, this could also affect your family and your friends.
This will be a major betrayal and after this things will never be the way they were before.
Dreaming about a king cobra talking to you- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a king cobra talking to you, then this type of a dream is a sign that someone close to you is talking about you behind your back.
This is a classic, the people you love and trust often are there just to kill some tine with you.
On the bright side, it is likely that you are going to find out about this in a strange way so you will have the time to prevent any more disaster.
Cut that person off and move on with your life, also try to be a little bit more careful when picking your next friend.
If someone talks to you about someone, then be sure that you are the topic when you leave that company.
Dreaming about seeing a king cobra change its skin- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about seeing a king cobra changing its skin, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to meet some dangerous people.
These people are not dangerous in a gangster kind of a way, no they are dangerous because they are easily manipulating people around them no matter where they go.
Their perfect adjustment to groups and places is Oscar worthy, but this is not good for you.
You have to keep your eyes open and you must be ready to avoid their charms.
They are the ones who are simply people to wish for and that is why it is hard to figure them out.
Dreaming about king cobra nesting in your yard- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a king cobra that is nesting in your yard, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to meet some people and you won’t be able to fit with them.
This could be your new co-workers, partners, friends, whoever they are you will not be able to enter their group.
As much as you try to, you will still have a hard time when it comes to being good with them.
Just accept the fact that it is not meant to be and continue with your work.
Dreaming about king cobra eating its own eggs- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about seeing a king cobra eating its own eggs, then this type of a dream could have different meanings.
First one is that you should keep things to yourself, because there is a certain person that is trying to take advantage of you in order to win.
So do not give this person any material to work with.
Second one is that you will be forced to stop with your work, something will pop up and you will have to leave everything you have worked for.