Our dreams are usually a reflection of our fears, thoughts and subconscious desires. They can be also a reflection of something that we have experienced in our waking lives. Very often our dreams may give us some important messages, so it is necessary to interpret them in detail.
Many people love to interpret their dreams because it can help them understand better situations in their real lives. If you are also interested in interpreting your dreams, you should read carefully this article.
In this article we will deal with the dreams about being chased.
Have you ever dreamed about being chased by an attacker or a monster? Have you ever dreamed that an animal has been chasing you and wanted to kill you? When you have such dreams, you are probably waking up several times during the night.
These dreams may be very scary and they tend to happen more than once. When dreaming of being chased, you may feel fear and anxiety. You may be worried or confused. Have you ever wondered what these dreams mean and how they can help you understand better your own anxieties and fears?
Well, dreams about being chased are very common. In this article we will try to explain you what is the meaning of these dreams and how they can reflect your real life.
Why Do We Dream About Being Chased?
There are different reasons why we have chase dreams, but each of them is related to something that is happening in our real lives.
You should know that an attacker in your dreams usually reflects yourself and your own anger, fears or jealousy. These are some parts of your personality that you are trying to reject in your waking life.
Experts agree that dreams about being chased are usually a result of our repressed emotions, such as hate, envy or love. If we ignore these emotions, they may appear in our dreams.
Studies have shown that dreams about being chased are usually a result of our anxiety and paranoia in waking life. Also, if you are overwhelmed or overworked at your job, you may dream about being chased. A monster or a murderer who is chasing you in a dream can be a reflection of your boss, your friend or a member of your family.
It would be good to confront the attacker in your dream and to ask him why he is chasing you. This way you will get a deeper understanding of your life and your own emotions.
If you want to interpret your dream, it is also very important to take into account the distance between the chaser and you in your dream. If the attacker is close to you, it may not be a good sign.
If a distance between the attacker and you is very small, it usually means that you have a problem in real life that will not go away soon. This dream may be a warning for you to face your problem and to solve it.
If the attacker is far away from you, it has a positive connotation. This dream means that you will be able to avoid the problem in waking life or to solve it very easily.
One of the reasons why we are dreaming about being chased is our natural need to fight and also to flight. We need to face different challenges in our real lives, so that could be a reason why we have such dreams.
It is also proved that you will dream about being chased if you watched a horror movie before going to bed. If it happens, it means that your dream is not a reflection of something that is happening in your real life.
As we have already said, a fear is the most common feeling that you may experience while dreaming of being chased. It is found that women are more likely to dream about being chased than men.
As you can see, it is important to take into consideration the context of your dream and all details that you can remember. This way you will get a true interpretation of your dream. Every detail in your dream has a specific meaning.
It is very important who is chasing you and how far this person is from you. It is also very important to know if you have escaped from the attacker or you have been trapped. Now you will see some of the most common scenarios that you can have in your dreams about being chased. You will see that each of these dreams has a different meaning.
The Most Common Dreams About Being Chased
Being Chased By a Person. As we have already said, if you are running from someone who is chasing you, it means that you are trying to avoid a certain aspect of your own personality. You are running away from your own anger, anxiety or hate.
If you are chased by a person you know well, this dream is a reflection of your fears. You are afraid that this person will discover something about you to other people.
Being Chased By an Animal. Have you ever dreamed that a tiger, a lion or any other animal is chasing you? If you did, it may be a symbol of your own anger in real life. All bad feelings that you have in your waking life are reflected through an animal that is chasing you in a dream.
If you have dreamed of being chased by a snake, it means that you are feeling unsafe in your real life. Someone is threatening to you or you may be feeling embarrassed because of something in your waking life.
You Are Chasing Someone. If you see in your dream that you are chasing someone else, this dream can have different meanings. It is usually a symbol of your ambitions. You are ready to do anything to achieve your goals.
This dream may also have another interpretation. If you are chasing someone, it means that you want to catch up with other people.
Sometimes this dream can also mean that you have aggression towards the person you are chasing in your dream. Think about that and try to remember who could be that person in your real life.
You Are Being Spied. If you see in your dream that you have been spied, this dream usually means that you have also experienced similar situation in waking life. This dream may indicate that there is a big problem in your life and you are trying to avoid and to ignore it.
You Are Being Trapped. If the attacker has trapped you, this dream indicates that you are feeling trapped in your real life as well. You may be feeling trapped in your actual relationship or at work.
You Are Fighting With An Attacker. If you have been chased and you are fighting with an attacker, it means that you are fighting with a certain aspect of yourself that you cannot accept.
Sometimes it may also happen that you want to fight in your dream but you are not able to do that. This is usually called a sleep paralysis and it means that you are half-awake in that moment, but you are not able to move.
As you have seen in this article, dreams about being chased may have different meanings. You can dream that you are chased by an attacker, an animal or a monster. Also, there may be different scenarios in your chase dreams.
You can dream of being chased or you can chase someone in your dream. Also, you can dream that you have been trapped or that you have escaped from an attacker.
As we have already said, chase dreams usually reflect an aspect of yourself that you are trying to reject. Actually, these dreams may be a reflection of your fears, jealousy or anger. Also, they could mean that you are avoiding some issues in your real life. You are running away from your problems because you are not able to confront them.
It is found that a person who is avoiding a certain problem in real life is more likely to have chase dreams. If you also dream about being chased, it means that you should ask yourself why you are running away from your problem and which problem you have in your waking life. This way you will understand better your dreams.
Don’t forget to take into account all details that you have seen in your dream. Only this way you will be able to give a true interpretation of your dream about being chased. As we have already mentioned above, you have to consider distance matters as well.
We hope you have enjoyed this article and we are sure that now you will be able to interpret your dreams about being chased. Keep in mind that these dreams should not be ignored. If you ignore the messages that you get in your dream about being chased, you will have the same dream again and again.