There is no doubt that our dreams are connected with our everyday life. They can reflect our emotions, our fears and our thoughts. If you interpret your dream properly, you will be able to understand many things in your own life and also to find out what you should change in the future.
But, it is also possible to dream about someone who is not alive anymore. Dreams about dead people may be a little scary for a dreamer. If you have ever dreamed of someone who is dead, you may have woken up confused or maybe afraid because you didn’t know what that dream may symbolize.
But, we have good news for you. If you had a dream about someone who is dead, you don’t have to worry. Those dreams are very common and they should not afraid you.
But, you should know how to understand those dreams and how to find the right interpretations for them.
In this text you will have the opportunity to read about a dead loved one and what it means when a dead loved one appears in your dream. If you have ever seen your deceased loved one in a dream, then you would certainly like to find out what it means and why you should not ignore that dream.
Also, we will tell you what are the most common dreams about a deceased loved one and how you can interpret them properly. If you had ever this type of a dream, then we recommend you to read this article properly because you will find many interesting things and useful information.
Meaning and Interpretation
First of all we have to say that dreams about a deceased loved one are usually called visitation dreams. It is interesting to say that those dreams are very vivid and realistic. If you are dreaming about your dead loved one, you will probably have a feeling that your loved one is just there with you.
It is also possible to have a feeling that you can hear or smell that person. Your dream will be very realistic and that’s why you will be probably disappointed when you wake up and when you see that everything was just a dream. Your loved one is not there with you and you have to accept the fact that your loved one is dead.
But, you should know why you are dreaming about your deceased loved one. It will help you understand these dreams much better. Most important is to know that your deceased loved one is trying to communicate with you through your dreams. Your deceased loved one may be trying to tell you something really important and that’s why you should not ignore your dream.
There is a belief that our deceased loved ones are trying to communicate with us in many different ways. Your dreams are one of the most common ways to have communication with your loved one. Your loved one will send you little signs and you have to be able to recognize them and to understand their meanings. If your deceased loved one appears in your dream, it is obvious that he/she wants to have a contact with you.
Your deceased loved one wants to remind you that you are not alone. That person will always be with you, even if he/she is dead. You should never forget that and you should never feel lonely.
Most important is not to have fears because of your deceased loved one that has appeared in your dream, but you should be happy because you have the opportunity to see that person once more, to touch her and to hear what that person wants to tell you.
It is believed that a message from your deceased loved one in a dream could be very important for your life in general. If you have dreamed about your deceased loved one, you should pay special attention to your dream.
It usually happens that your deceased loved one appears at the moments when you are going through a very difficult period in your life. Your loved one will come to you when you need support and also at the moments when you are feeling lost and confused.
If you have seen your deceased loved one in a dream, that person will certainly be your guide and help you solve many things in your waking life. It is believed that in our dreams we can receive very useful advice from our deceased loved one.
As you can see, there are many reasons why your loved one may appear in your dreams.
First of all we have to say that your deceased loved one can be a messenger and bring you important messages. You should pay attention to what your deceased loved one is telling you and you should never ignore that message.
Another reason why your loved one may appear in your dream is to be your spirit guide. If you have chosen the wrong path in your life, your spirit guide will help you turn back to the right track. You will never be alone if you have your deceased loved one as your spirit guide.
There is also another reason for the appearance of your deceased loved one in a dream. If you had a dream about your deceased loved one, he/she may simply want to tell you that the life after death exists and you should believe in it. Your spirit and your soul will exist even after a death, which should make you happy and eliminate all fears from your life.
Many people believe that dead people have the ability to contact us. If you think that you have seen your deceased loved one in a dream, there are many signs that can help you prove it.
One of the most important signs is that you will wake up with a sensation that someone has been watching you in a dream. You may have a feeling that someone was there with you, but you should not be afraid. Your loved one is only telling you that you are not alone, because he/she is watching over you, so you should feel protected and safe.
Also, it may happen that your deceased loved one will appear in an unusual form in your dream, which should be a warning for you to be careful in the next period, because you may be in a dangerous situation.
Another sign that will tell you that your deceased loved one has visited you in a dream is to wake up with peace and completely rested. It could mean that your deceased loved one visited you because he/she is worrying about your health.
Now when you know what the dreams about a deceased loved one can mean and how you can understand them, we will tell you which are the most common dreams about a deceased loved one. We are sure that you will find important information and explanation for your own dream. You will see that most important is to take into consideration all details of your dream in order to find its real interpretation.
The Most Common Dreams About a Deceased Loved One
Dreaming of seeing a deceased loved one. If you have seen a deceased loved one in your dream, it probably means that you miss that person and you would like to see her once again. Your dream is giving you the opportunity to have a contact with your loved one once more.
You should not be afraid of that, but you should use that opportunity to embrace your loved one and to hear all what your loved one wants to tell you.
Dreaming of your deceased loved one calling you. There is a belief that the meaning of this dream is always negative and associated with death. But, it doesn’t have to be truth. Most important is not to feel fear when your deceased loved one calls you, but you should offer your help and your assistance. Also, it is important to be ready to hear the message of your loved one.
Dreaming of your deceased loved one talking to you. If you have seen in your dream that your deceased loved one was talking to you, it can mean that your loved one didn’t have an opportunity to tell you something while he/she was alive.
Also, it can mean that you will receive useful advice from your loved one and he/she may give you instructions that could be important for your future.
Dreaming of arguing with your deceased loved one. If you have dreamed of arguing with your loved one, it could mean that you have made a mistake and your loved one wants to tell you that you are doing something wrong. This dream could be a warning for you to change something in your behavior.
If your loved one has visited you in your dream, it means that you should feel safe and comforted, because you can be sure that there is a life after death and your loved one is waiting you there.
Also, your deceased loved one is watching over you in a waking life, so you can feel protected and loved. We have already said that dreams about a deceased loved one are vivid and realistic, so you will have a feeling that your deceased loved one was really there with you.
Of course, you should know that these dreams are full of emotions and you will feel them when you wake up as well.
We hope that now you can understand better the symbolism of the dreams about a deceased loved one. Most important is to know that those dreams should not scare you, but you should be happy because your deceased loved one is contacting you.