Pallas in Virgo

The house where Palas is found will indicate a living area where the ability to think and be creative will be expressed.

For example, when Palas is in the sixth house, we will be especially adept at using creativity to solve work-related problems.

Aspects that Palas makes with other planets and asteroids indicate how our creativity relates to the other energies of our psyche.

For example, the good aspect between Palas and Jupiter indicates the pursuit of universal truths and the ability to see what is not obvious.

The asteroid Palas Athens speaks of wisdom, intuition, the rightness of intuition and logic, strategy, science.

Palas can also talk about the sexual intimacy of women in dynasty.

Pallas in Virgo Man

Here at home, allows the sense of practical analysis and strategy to be expressed fluently.

Pallas here achieves a quick and efficient way out of the Virginian mental processes, making the elucubrations not become a concern since it makes possible an immediate practical manifestation of his ideas.

Excellent doctors, dietitians, veterinarians, nurses. It is the indispensable secretaries, those who carry the agenda better than the boss.

They can be good at organizing groups that defend the environment or organizations that defend life and health.

Pallas in Virgo Woman

The natives of Pallas in Virgo take care of themselves. They are very skilled with their hands and extremely intelligent when it comes to intellectual analysis.

Virgo is passionate about details and enthusiastic observer of smaller things that others may consider insignificant.

Very aware of everything they do, they love order. They can be at the service of a cause or individual.

Because the term Virgo is related to sexual abstinence, this sign has, in a way, a misleading reputation.

According to the psychoanalyst and astrologer Liz Greene, the mythological Virgo is “the image of a free woman who marries, first of all, with her inner being and, secondly, with her husband.” Which means you have to be true to yourself before others.

Virgo is especially adaptable to circumstances and knows how to get the most out of them. Take advantage of the fertility of the earth and prepare it for the barren times to come.

It provides its services to the community in a humble way and at the same time aware of how indispensable its work is, without feeling the need to be the center of attention.

From the two signs in square with Virgo, he can learn from Gemini the art of carrying out several things at once and, from Sagittarius, how to use the visions as a source of inspiration.

Good Traits

The Palas in Virgo or the 6th house use their creative intelligence by expressing themselves through the development of business skills or through the ability to physically and mentally heal.

These individuals can also be hired as labor and animal rights fighters.

This person uses his analytical perception to have the ability to grasp details and substance in a very simple way.

She can also be very creative in applied skills such as sewing, pottery, computer programming.

Through daily routine, as well as through political engagement, the Palace set up in this way strives for perfection and high quality through its own action.

In healing techniques, she can be very successful through practicing Hata yoga, physical exercises, but also nutritional diets, as well as healing with herbs and eating healthy.

Famous French actress and beauty Brigitte Bardot, in addition to her film roles, has proven herself as a great fighter for animal rights and protection.

Her Palace was located at the very top of the 6th house in Taurus sign, from where she formed a trigger with her disposer – Venus in Virgo, which fully describes this great animal rights fighter.

Bad Traits

Sometimes, Virgo can focus too much on the details, without looking beyond. You will find it difficult to understand other points of view than your own, becoming demanding and closed minded.

You run the risk of surrendering to the needs of others ignoring your own. The legend tells us how these two aspects of Virgo, which may seem contradictory, go together.

Virgo natives are usually healthy people, who know the relationship between good nutrition and good health.

Virgo shares with his opposite, Pisces, a certain devotion to the community. But while Virgo surrenders to material needs, Pisces does it with spiritual ones.

Virgo also has, like the other earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn, a tendency towards the physical. While Taurus focuses the body towards pleasure, Virgo does it towards health and Capricorn to fulfill his task.

Pallas in Virgo – General Info

The Palas in Virgo or the 6th house use their creative intelligence by expressing themselves through the development of business skills or through the ability to physically and mentally heal.

These individuals can also be hired as labor and animal rights fighters.

This person uses his analytical perception to have the ability to grasp details and substance in a very simple way.

She can also be very creative in applied skills such as sewing, pottery, computer programming.

Through daily routine, as well as through political engagement, the Palace set up in this way strives for perfection and high quality through its own action.

In healing techniques, she can be very successful through practicing Hata yoga, physical exercises, but also nutritional diets, as well as healing with herbs and eating healthy.

Famous French actress and beauty Brigitte Bardot, in addition to her film roles, has proven herself as a great fighter for animal rights and protection.

Her Palace was located at the very top of the 6th house in Taurus sign, from where she formed a trigger with her disposer – Venus in Virgo, which fully describes this great animal rights fighter.

This sign belongs to the mutable cross and its element is the earth. This seemingly contradictory combination slows down the joy and liveliness of the mutable cross, and conditions people with an emphasis on Virgo to approach the things of life with caution, care and a preference for details.

There is a wide range of possibilities of expression that range from careful rigor to an overflowing pedantry, which over and over again can be disrupted by disorder (most often caused by spontaneity itself).

This must be remedied, so many Virgo people are specialists in restoration or repair in some special area.

Regent of the sign: Mercury grants a great predilection for words and symbols but, at the same time, a constant struggle with the language and fear of being criticized or of being compromised by what has been said or written.

But precisely this feature makes it an excellent concealer, which detects all errors. The tendency to follow what is written to the letter can become an exaggerated orthodoxy.


For the Greeks, she was a patron of art and healing, crafts and commerce, a great warrior and strategist, who refused to marry.

She didn’t have a mother: Homer describes how she came out of Zeus’ full-size head and says she was a favorite kid. In astrological terms, it is tied to politics and social issues.

The Palace of Athens has a very practical kind of intelligence. This is not logic in the usual sense, but holistic and inventive intelligence.

It is important to note that here we have a mental planet that is not mental in the masculine sense.

It is a female type of mentality to use in the outside world. What a concept: purely female energy that feels best when building a career!


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