Our dreams can have many different meanings and they can be associated with our everyday life. Very often our dreams are only a reflection of our own lives and they can have special symbolism.
Since ancient times people have believed that our dreams can help us understand better the world around us.
There are many books with dream interpretations and a great number of people is trying to reveal the meaning of their dreams.
Dreams about hugging are very common and they can have many different meanings. They can symbolize affection and love, but also the feeling of protection. If you have dreamed of hugging, this dream makes us feel intimate and protected. Sometimes these dreams can mean that you have problems in your waking life, but very soon you will be able to solve them.
It may also happen that you dream about hugging at the moments when you need to release negative energy that exists in you. It may be the time to start thinking positively and to show your love towards other people.
Dreams about hugging may cause different feelings, such as forgiveness, love, happiness, etc. But, in order to understand your own dream about hug, it is important to take into consideration all details that you have seen in your dream.
For example, it is possible that you will dream of hugging a loved person, hugging a relative, hugging an enemy or maybe of exchanging hugs. There are also many other situations about hug that may appear in your dream.
It is important to say that dreams about hugging may have positive or negative meaning, so it is important to analyze them thoroughly. In a positive sense, these dreams can mean that you will be respected in the future period and you will be able to overcome all difficulties and problems on your way.
But, dreams about hugging may have a negative meaning as well. They can mean that your enemies have dominance over you, so you may be feeling desperate and insecure in your waking life.
Sometimes these dreams can mean that you will have many problems with your health or at your work in the upcoming period.
Now you will see some of the most usual dreams about a hug. You will see that all these dreams have different meanings, so it is important to remember as much details as you can.
We hope you will enjoy this article and you will find the best explanation for your own dream about a hug. If you have ever had a dream about hugging, we recommend you to read this article.
We are sure that it will be interesting for you and it will help you understand your dream about hugging and find its meaning.
Hug – Dream Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming of hugging. If you have dreamed of hugging, but you haven’t seen any other details in your dream, this dream usually means that you are ready to accept new changes that are going to come into your life. Also, this dream can mean that you are able to embrace a certain aspect of your own personality.
Dreaming of hugging someone. If you have dreamed of hugging someone, it means that you would like to have love of someone in your waking life. It is possible that you are feeling lonely and you would like to be loved. Also, this dream could mean that you should not hide your emotions anymore, but you should express them openly. As we have already mentioned above, dreams about hugging may symbolize that your problems will disappear in the future. You will enjoy your life and people around you will appreciate you more.
Dreaming of giving a hug to your loved person. If you have seen in your dream that you have given a hug to your love person, it is not a good sign. Actually, this dream means that you will have a lot of difficulties in the future period. There are many obstacles in front of you, so you will need support and love of your loved person.
Dreaming of giving a hug to your relative. If you were giving a hug to your relative in a dream, it is not a good sign. This dream indicates health problems that someone of your family members or someone of your relatives may have in the future. Also, it is possible that there will be many conflicts in your family in the near future.
Dreaming that you are happy because of giving hug to someone. If you have dreamed of hugging someone and having a feeling of happiness at that moment, it is a very good sign. It means that there are many good things in front of you. You can expect a successful period that will bring you prosperity and joy. Also, you will have your own peace, which will make you happy and satisfied.
Dreaming of hugging a stranger. If you have dreamed of hugging a stranger, it means that very soon you will meet someone important and it will be unexpectedly. You will be very surprised when you see a person that you haven’t seen for a long time.
Dreaming of exchanging hugs. If you had this type of a dream, it is a bad omen. Actually, this dream means that you will be involved in many conflicts in the future period. But, we have to say that this dream could have another interpretation as well. It could mean that someone in your surroundings will betray you and deceive you when you least expect that.
Dreaming of receiving a hug. If you have seen in your dream that you received a hug from someone, it is a very good sign and you don’t have to worry. This dream usually means that people around you will respect you in the future period. They will admire you because of your success and they will finally show their appreciation and love towards you.
Dreaming of receiving a hug from a man you don’t know well. If you are a woman and you have dreamed that a stranger hugged you, it is not a good sign. This dream means that you will have some health problems in the near future.
Dreaming of hugging friends. If you have dreamed of hugging friends, it is a good sign. In the near future you can expect a positive thing to happen to you. Probably it will be some kind of a special event that will make you feel happy and satisfied.
It is possible that your friends will offer you their help and support in a difficult situation and you will be happy because of that. This dream is actually telling you that you have a lot of real friends and you don’t have to worry.
Dreaming of rejecting a hug. If you had such a dream, it could mean that you are feeling lonely and isolated in your real life. It is possible that there are many challenges in front of you and you have to be strong to overcome all of them. This dream is reflecting your feelings, such as sadness and loneliness.
Dreaming of hugging a woman you don’t know. If you are a man and you are dreaming of giving a hug to a woman you don’t know, this dream is warning you to be careful in the future period because someone may deceive you. It is also possible that your loved person will cheat on you, so you may be very disappointed in that person.
Dreaming of hugging someone while you are in bed. If you have seen in your dream that you were hugging someone while you were in bed, it is a positive sign. This dream means that you will probably meet someone very important in the near future. It is possible that you will start an emotional relationship with that person.
Dreaming of hugging your colleague. If you had such a dream, it is a very good sign. This dream indicates that you get on very well with your colleague and your relationship will be even better in the future.
Dreaming of hugging someone tightly. If you have seen in your dream that you were hugging someone very tightly, it means that you have nostalgic feelings right now. It is possible that you cannot forget the person you love and you remember all beautiful moments that you had with that person. Also, this dream could mean that you still love that person and you would like to be with him/her again.
Dreaming of hugging your teacher. If you have dreamed of hugging your teacher, it means that you are ready to accept all responsibilities that you have in your life.
Dreaming of hugging your enemy. If you have dreamed of hugging your enemy, it is a good sign. It means that you are able to accept your own personality and to find your own peace.
Dreaming of hugging Jesus Christ. If you had this dream, it means that you are ready to sacrifice yourself in order to make other people happy. Also, this dream can mean that you have faith in yourself and you know that you will reach your goals.