Our dreams are usually related to what is happening in our real lives. But, what if we are dreaming about something like feces and poop? Do you have an explanation for such dreams? There is no doubt that these dreams are very common and now we will tell you how to relate them to your own life.
What do these dreams are trying to tell you? Do they always represent something negative or their symbolism may be positive as well? If you want to find out more about these dreams, we recommend you to read this article.
You will have the opportunity to see the most common dreams with these theme and their interpretations as well. We hope this article will help you understand your own dream about feces and find the right interpretation for it.
Dreams About Poop, Feces – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming of human feces. If you have seen human feces in your dream, it means that you have a certain dilemma in your real life. You cannot make a decision about something or you may be worried for someone. At the moment you are not feeling able to deal with the problems that you have. You are going through a difficult period, but don’t worry, because it will not last forever.
Dreaming of your poop. If you had a dream of your own poop, it means that you would like to see the results of your work more clearly. You are making efforts about something in your real life and you would like to see what you have done. Don’t worry because your efforts will pay off, you just have to be patient.
Dreaming of the poop of someone else. If you had such a dream, it means that you are jealous of someone in your real life. It is possible that that person is more powerful and has more money than you.
Dreaming of a horse’s poop. If you have seen the horse’s poop in your dream, you should know that this dream has a very positive connotation. It means that very soon you will have a great success and your financial situation will be much better.
You will earn a lot of money in the upcoming period, especially if you have started some kind of a family business. A dream about seeing a cow’s poop will have the same meaning.
Dreaming of a dog’s poop. This dream means that in many situations in your life you don’t have enough self-control and you react very impulsively. That’s why you may have caused some problems in your own life and you don’t know how to solve them. This dream is warning you to have more control in the next period and to thnk well before you do something.
Dreaming of a rabbit’s poop. If you have dreamed about a poop of rabbit, it means that good fortune is expecting your children in the upcoming period.
Dreaming of a baby poop. If you have seen a poop of a baby in your dream, this dream has positive symbolism. It means that you have worked very hard recently, but you will be paid off for your work. You will be very satisfied with the money you earn, so don’t worry.
However, this dream may be interpreted another way. Sometimes it can mean that you would like to avoid responsibilities that you have in your everyday life. It is possible that you have too many responsibilities and too many things to do.
Dreaming of feces that have unusual color. If the feces in your dream had a color that is not very usual, it means that in the next period you will have problems at your work. It is also possible that you will have some problems with your family members, so we recommend you to avoid any kind of conflicts.
Dreaming of a huge amount of feces. If you have seen a lot of feces in your dream, it must have been very uncomfortable and disgusting for you. But, don’t worry, because this dream indicates something good that will happen to you in the next period.
First of all this dream can mean that your financial situation will be very good in the future or you may inherit something from someone of your relatives. It is also possible that you win a prize for something that you have done. In any case, you will be very satisfied with your success and you will accomplish all your goals.
Dreaming of eating feces. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you will have a lot of problems in the future period. It is possible that you are going through a very difficult period right now and it is very difficult for you to deal with your problems. It is important to say that you are a pessimistic person and you think always in a negative way. That’s why you cannot progress and make success. If you had this dream, we recommend you to start thinking more positively because it is the only way to be successful in everything you do.
Also, you should appreciate more all that you have and you should enjoy your life.
Dreaming of eating your own feces. If you have dreamed of eating your own feces, it means that you don’t want to listen to what other people are saying to you. You don’t want to accept their advice and you like to do things on your own.
Dreaming of stepping in a poop of an animal. If you had this dream, it means that someone of your friends or relatives will have many financial problems and you will be there to help that person. You will give advice and tell her what to do.
Dreaming of cleaning feces. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you will have to work hard in the future but your work will pay off later, so you don’t have to worry.
Dreaming of feces in your mouth. This dream may be very disgusting for a dreamer and its symbolism is not good. If you have dreamed that you have feces in your own mouth, it indicates that you will have problems with your health in the next period. We recommend you to go to check your health as soon as possible, in order to avoid any serious illness.
Dreaming of a poop in your hand. If you had this dream, its symbolism is negative again. This dream usually means that you will have many difficulties and problems in the future period. It is possible that you will have problems in your love life or at your work.
Dreaming of throwing a poop on someone. If you had such a dream, it is a very bad sign and it means that someone will abuse you in the near future.
Dreaming of playing with a poop. If you had this dream, then we can say that you are a very anxious person in your real life. You have too many worries and you are under stress all the time.
Dreaming that your house is covered with feces. This dream has negative symbolism again and it indicates that many problems are expecting you in the near future. You have to be ready for them and to try to solve them as soon as possible.
Dreaming of a poop on your clothes. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you will discover the secrets of your friend and you will be very surprised. Your friend will not know that you have discovered all his secrets.
Dreaming of a poop in a bed. This dream is also a symbol of problems that are expecting you very soon. You will have many financial difficulties and also conflicts with your partner.
Dreaming of feces on the wall. If you have dreamed that feces were on the wall, it means that someone will be very careless in the future period, so you will have the opportunity to earn a lot of money. You will use that opportunity in order to improve your financial situation.
Dreaming of a toilet full of feces. If you had such a dream, it is a bad sign. This dream means that many financial worries are expecting you in the near future. However, this dream may have other interpretations as well. Sometimes it is a symbol of a dangerous situation that may be expecting you in the future.
Also, this dream can mean that you don’t have enough control over your own life. It also means that someone is threatening to you and you don’t know how to get out of that situation.
Dreaming that a bird has pooped on you. We all know that it is a sign of good luck when a bird poops on you. Also, when we dream about that, it has positive symbolism. A dream about a bird pooping on you means that you will have success in the future period.
Dreaming of pooping in toilet. This type of a dream is very common and it indicates that you have many negative emotions inside of you. If you were pooping in a toilet in your dream, it means that you would like to release all negativity that is hidden in you.
Dreaming of pooping in public. If you had this type of a dream, it means that your financial situation will be very good in the future and you will want to show your wealth to other people. But, you should not be surprised when some people ask you to borrow them money.
Dreaming of pooping in pants. If you had a dream of pooping in pants, this dream has a negative connotation. It means that you have many bad habits in your real life but you are trying to hide them from other people.
Dreaming that you can’t poop. If you have seen in your dream that you had problems when you wanted to poop, it means that you are a person who doesn’t like to spend money. Many people think that you are stingy and sometimes you do not even want to buy something that is basic for life. This dream is telling you to spend more money on yourself and on your own needs.
Dreaming of a poop everywhere. If a poop was everywhere in your dream, it is a good sign. This dream means that you will gain a lot of money unexpectedly.
These are some of the most common dreams about poop and feces. As you could see, all these dreams have different meanings. Their symbolism can be either positive or negative, depending on many details that are appearing in a dream.
As you could see, there are many different situations that you can dream about. It is not the same when you are dreaming about your own feces and feces of someone else. It is also possible to dream about animal feces or about feces everywhere around you. As you could see, there are dreams about pooping in a toilet, in pants or maybe in public. You can dream about holding feces in your own hands or about having it in your mouth.
There are so many different situations that you can see in your dream about feces and we hope that now you can understand better the symbolism of these dreams.
As you have seen, details are most important when it comes to the dream interpretation, so we recommend you to remember as much details as you can if you want to find the right interpretation for your dream about poop and feces.