Our dreams can tell us a lot about our real lives. Since the oldest times people have believed that our dreams are associated with our thoughts and emotions. They can reflect something that is happenning in our real lives and they can also indicate something that will happen in the future. Many people believe in dream symbolism and they are trying to explain their own dreams.
In this article we will talk about the dreams of killing someone. Dreams about killing may be very disturbing and uncomfortable for a dreamer. If you have ever dreamed of killing, then you must have been very scared or maybe confused. What does it mean when you kill someone in your dream? Can these dreams have positive symbolism as well? We will answer all these questions, so you should continue to read this article. You will certainly find the appropriate interpretation for your dream.
Details that appear in your dream of killing someone play the most important role. It is possible to dream about killing someone or about seeing that another person has killed someone. You can be dreaming of killing a member of your family, of killing someone who was stalking you, etc.
There are also many dreams about killing an animal, such as a wolf, a tiger, a lion, a snake, a butterfly, a rabbit and many others. It is important to know that each of these dreams have a different meaning and different symbolism. Because of that you should try to remember as much details as you can, in order to find the best interpretation for your dream.
Now you will see what the most common dreams of killing someone are. We hope you will like this article and you will find all you want to know about these dreams.
Dreams About Killing Someone – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming of killing someone. If you had this dream but you cannot remember who was the person you killed in your dream, it means that you would like to have more power in your waking life.
Also, this dream can mean that you are trying to find the solution for your problem or you are trying to kill a certain aspect of your own personality. There are also many other interpretations related to a dream in which you have killed someone. This dream can mean that you are losing your self-control and that you want to distance yourself from someone or something in your real life.
Dreaming of killing a person who was stalking you. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you may be feeling very uncomfortable in your real life because you are the center of attention for some people.
Sometimes it can also mean that someone in your real life is obssessed with you. It may be your current emotional partner, your ex partner or any other person in your surroundings.
Also, this dream can have another meaning. It can mean that you would like to get out of a certain situation in your life because it makes you feel uncomfortable and lose control.
Dreaming of killing a member of family. If you had this terrible dream, its symbolism is very bad. This dream symbolizes negative emotions that exist inside of you. You are full of anger and other negative feelings in your real life. There is no doubt that you are going through a very difficult period in your life. It is also possible that someone of your family members is trying to control your life, so you are feeling uncomfortable and you want to be free. That’s why you had this type of a dream.
Dreaming of killing someone and burying him. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you have decided to face all your problems and to solve them. There are many problems that are bothering you for a longer period of time. It is time to get rid of them and to live in peace again.
Dreaming of being told to kill someone. This dream means that you are involved in a situation that may be very uncomfortable for you. It is possible that someone has control over your own life. This dream is actually warning you to become independent and to take your life in your own hands.
Dreaming of trying to escape after killing someone. If you have seen in your dream that you killed someone, but you have tried to escape after that, it means that a lot of problems are expecting you in the near future. It is possible that you are feeling too weak in your real life, so you are not able to deal with these problems and to solve them. In this situation you may need the help of someone.
Dreaming of watching a murder. If you have seen a killer in your dream, actually if you have seen that someone is killing someone, it means that you would like to get rid of your own anger and negative emotions. It is possible that you have anger towards someone in your real life.
Dreaming of seeing a killer. If you have seen a killer in your dream, it means that you are losing your own identity. Sometimes it can also mean that a certain situation in your life has ended dramatically.
Dreaming of being killed. If you have dreamed that you were killed, it means that many changes are going to happen in the next period. It is possible thar you would like to eliminate some old habits from your life, in other words you want to kill these habits. Sometimes a dream of being killed can also mean that someone in your real life hurt you very much.
Dreaming of killing a vampire. This type of a dream has a positive connotation, so you don’t have to worry. If you killed a vampire in your dream, it means that you will have a lot of success in the period that comes.
Dreaming of killing a snake. If you have seen in your dream that you killed a snake, it means that you would like that other people accept your own ideas. It would help you very much to achieve your goals and to make success.
Dreaming of killing a cat. If you have seen that you killed a cat in your dream, it is a warning for you to be aware of many dangers that are about to come. It is possible that someone in your surroundings has bad intentions and wants to harm you, so you should be careful in the future period. We recommend you not to trust everyone because not all people are your real friends.
Dreaming of killing a mouse. A dream in which you have killed a mouse has positive symbolism and it means that you will be a winner in a certain situation. You will probably get a promotion at your work and your colleagues will be jealous of you.
Dreaming of killing a rat. If you had such a dream, then you can relax. The meaning of this dream is good and it indicates that you will be able to overcome all obstacles on your way.
Dreaming of killing a rabbit. If you killed a rabbit in your dream, the symbolism of this dream is not good. Actually, this dream means that you will lose something valuable in the next period. It is possible that you will lose a lot of money or even a person you love. There are many bad moments in the future and you have to be prepared for them.
Dreaming of killing a spider. If you have seen in your dream that you killed a spider, then you don’t have to worry about your future. You will defeat all your enemies and you will make a great success very soon.
Also, this dream indicates that there may be many rumors about you, but you will ignore them. It is also very important to remember if the spider in your dream was big or not. If it was big, then you will use your wisdom in the future period and you will make decisions that will be good for you.
Dreaming of killing a lion. If you had such a dream, it means that you have a domination over all people around you. In every sense, you are more powerful than them, and therefore everyone admires and appreciates you.
Dreaming of killing a tiger. If you have seen in your dream that you killed a tiger, then it is a good omen. This dream means that you can expect many good things in the future. You will have a lot of money and your financial situation will be very good.
Dreaming of killing a wolf. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you will defeat all your enemies very soon and you will be a winner of a certain situation.
Dreaming of killing a bear. The symbolism of this dream is positive again. It means that you will overcome all difficulties in the future period.
Dreaming of killing a deer. If you had this dream, its symbolism is negative. This dream means that someone will deceive you in the upcoming period. You should be careful because there are many people who want to harm you.
Dreaming of killing a fox. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you will overcome all your bad habits in the future period.
Dreaming of killing an elephant. If you have killed an elephant in your dream, it means that many difficulties are expecting you in the near future. You have to be prepared for all bad things that are going to happen in your life. It is possible that you will have financial problems and also problems in your private life.
Dreaming of killing a butterfly. This dream is also a symbol of problems and troubles that are expecting you in the future period.
Dreaming of killing a cockroach. If you had this type of a dream, it is a good omen. This dream means that many good things will happen to you in the future. Your financial situation will be improved and you will have great relations with your partner.
In this article you had the opportunity to see a couple of the dreams about killing and their interpretations. As you have seen, it is very important to take into account who the killer in your dream was and also who was the killed person. We have also told you what it means when the victim of killing is an animal.
All these dreams are very common and we are sure that you had sometimes this type of a dream.
As we have already said, dreams about killing usually mean that you want to end up a certain situation in your life or kill your old habits and emotions inside of you. These dreams can also mean that you want to get rid of some people and to take control over your own life.
Sometimes dreams about killing indicate that someone close to you will deceive you, so you may understand these dreams as a sign of a warning.
However, these dreams can have positive symbolism as well and they can indicate success that is expecting you in the near future. As we have said, most important is to remmeber all details that you have seen in your dream, because it will help you understand it properly and find the best explanation for your dream.
We hope this article was useful and interesting for you and we are sure that you will not have problems with interpreting your next dream about killing.