Dreams about lizards are not very common, but their symbolism could be very interesting.
In this article you will have the opportunity to see something about the most common dreams of lizards and their interpretations.
We will try to explain you the symbolism of these dreams and their importance.
Dreams About Lizards – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming of lizards. If you had a dream about lizards but you cannot remember any other details from your dream, then we need a general interpretation of lizard dreams.
Actually, this dream has negative symbolism and it may be a sign of a warning. Very soon someone close to you will deceive you and attack you, so you have to be careful. You may didn’t know but you have a lot of enemies in your life. You should be especially careful at your work and not trust everyone because someone may have bad intentions.
Dreaming of a lizard crawling. If you had this type of a dream, it is a bad sign again. This dream is warning you to be careful because there may be a dangerous person around you. This person probably wants to do something bad to you and it is probably a very evil person.
But, if you have seen in your dream that a lizard was crawling in a hole, then your dream will have a different interpretation. Actually, it will mean that your sexual fantasies and desires are repressed and you are not satisfied with your sexual life.
Dreaming of a lizard crawling on you. If you had such a dream, it must have been very uncomfortable and disgusting for you. It may have been terrifying as well. When it comes to the symbolism of this dream, we have to say that it means that in the future period you will have to face many challenges and difficulties.
Everything in your life will be uncertain and you will have many worries because of that. You will be under stress because your financial situation will be very bad.
Dreaming of a lizard attacking you. If you have seen in your dream that a lizard attacked you, it is a bad omen again. This dream means that a person close to you will hinder you in something. It is possible that you have a strong desire to do something but that person will prevent you from that.
However, this dream can also have another explanation. It can mean that someone close to you will betray you when you least expect it. But, if a lizard in your dream has attacked you very aggressively, then it may be a warning for you.
This dream means that you should be aware of enemies that you have around you because they could harm you and put you in a very dangerous situation.
Dreaming of attacking a lizard. If you have dreamed that you were attacking a lizard, it means that you are doing everything to achieve your goals and to make success. You believe in your own abilities and you never give up. You are ready to overcome all your fears and obstacles that may appear on your way.
Dreaming of running away from a lizard. If you had such a dream, it means that you are afraid of someone in your real life and you are running away from that person.
Dreaming of catching a lizard. If you have caught a lizard in your dream, it means that a great period is in front of you. You have overcome all obstacles on your way and now it is time to enjoy.
You believe in your talents and you follow your intuition. You are ready to start a new chapter in your life and to leave your past behind you.
Dreaming that you didn’t manage to catch a lizard. If you have dreamed that you tried to catch a lizard, but it was impossible, it means that you will be very disappointed in the upcoming period. You are in love and you have expected too much of a loved person, but you didn’t get anything. You are very sad because of that and you don’t know how to overcome your disappointment.
Dreaming of a lizard being injured. If you have seen in your dream that a lizard was injured, it is a symbol of problems that may appear in your marriage or relationship. This dream is warning you to talk with your emotional partner about all problems that may exist in your relationship.
Dreaming of a dead lizard. If a lizard in your dream was dead, this dream has a bad connotation. Your loved person will probably deceive you and you will be very disappointed. It is possible that you partner is cheating on you, so you should be ready to hear these bad news from someone.
Dreaming that you have killed a lizard. If you have seen in your dream that you have killed a lizard, it means that you will overcome all difficulties and problems that you have right now. You are a strong and persistent person and your efforts will pay off.
Also, this dream can mean that you would like to have a good reputation again.
Dreaming of a green lizard. If a lizard in your dream was green, it means that you will have a lot of problems in the near future but don’t worry because you will solve them easily.
Dreaming of a blue lizard. If you have dreamed of a blue lizard, it is a very good sign. This dream means that in the future period you will have peace and harmony in your private life.
Dreaming of a lizard changing colors. This type of a dream is a warning for you to be prepared for attacks in the near future. Someone from your work is jealous of you and this person will try to harm you.
Dreaming of a very big lizard. If a lizard in your dream was very big, it means that you should be careful because someone may want to hurt you.
Dreaming of petting a lizard. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you are in a dangerous situation right now. It is possible that there is a very dangerous person around you, so you have to be careful. It is probably someone from your work, so it would be best to distance yourself from that person.
Dreaming of a lizard in the sun. If you had a dream about a lizard in the sun, it is a very good omen. This dream indicates that there is a wonderful period in front of you.
You will have success in anything you do and you will be very satisfied in all aspects of your life.
Dreaming of eating a lizard. If you have eaten a lizard in a dream, this dream has positive symbolism. It means that you can expect abundance and wealth in the upcoming period. Your financial situation will be very good and you will be happy.
Dreaming of a lizard biting you. If you had this dream, it symbolizes financial problems that are expecting you very soon. It will not be easy to overcome that situation, so you should be patient and believe that better times will come.
Dreaming of lizards mating. If lizards were mating in your dream, it means that you should be careful in the future period because someone may attack you. It will be probably someone from your work or someone from your friends.
Dreaming of a lizard inside your body. This dream must have been very uncomfortable for you and we have to say that this dream is a bad omen. It means that someone wants to abuse you, so you should not trust all people around you.
Dreaming of turning into a lizard. This unusual dream is a good sign and it indicates that you will become aware of your spiritual values and you will find the right track where you should go.