Dreaming of a Dead Person Smiling – Meaning and Symbolism

Dreams of the dead can cause feelings of sadness and pain because the person you dream of is no longer beside you, but they can also awaken joy because you have the opportunity to see and embrace that person once more.

Whatever the case may be for you, will tell you that according to research these dreams are very, very common, and all of us have them, even children (in a small percentage, but they do).

Since they are the signs that come from the deepest parts of our mind, they should be taken seriously.

As you know, people often have dreams about those who are no longer with them, maybe not physically, but just out of our lives, and even in this case, these dreams can make an impact on us.

In today’s case, we are looking for one particular motive – a dream where you see a dead person smiling. Right away, we will tell you that the dead person in a dream does not have to be dead in real life.

The Meaning of Dreaming of a Dead Person Smiling

If the person in your dream that is dead and that is smiling is you, then such a dream does not represent anything worrying – it indicates that you are healthy and feeling great.

If the dead person from your dream that is smiling is someone who is alive in a real-life, such a dream means a lot to you in real life and that you are worried about him. This person may have health or other problems in life. Your relationship with that person will soon rise to a higher level.

If the dead person that is smiling in your dream is truly dead in real life, such a dream is an indication that you are sorely missed by that person and do not accept that he is gone.

In addition, this dream may mean that you lack the opinions and advice of that person, so this need from your subconscious is reflected in the dream.

If you happen to be given some advice in the dream by the deceased, it would be a good idea to think about it, as it can be a very important message for something to come in your future.

But in the case where the dead person from your dream is smiling, but it is not a happy smile, but the uncomfortable smile, such a dream may be an indication your guilty conscience about something you did to that person while she was alive. Maybe you didn’t pay enough attention to her, or you were insincere with that person.

If the person who is smiling in your dream and it is dead, but you do not know who that person is, such a dream means that you will witness some positive changes and happenings around you.

If the dead person that is smiling to you is inside of your house, such a dream could be a somewhat a bad sign and foretell some illness, which may relate to a member of your family.

The Symbolism of Dreaming of a Dead Person Smiling

We will remind you that there are numerous versions of this dream, and we will say that the motive of a dead person in a dream is very common, from whatever reason you have a dream about that dead person (or you have seen it as dead in your dream).

If the dead person that is smiling in a dream is at a funeral or a graveyard, such a dream has a positive connotation and indicates that you will have a fairy tale wedding and that you will all be envious of a beautiful and rich partner. In any case, such a dream is the symbol of a love life that is one of the amazing aspects of your happy life.

In the case where you are the dead person who has a smile on a face, such a dream is an indication of your happiness in the current moment of your life, and that happiness is just the confirmation of your choices in life that was good.

A very common dream is the one in which you see a live person as dead in a dream, and in this case, that person is smiling – this is the dream that is a symbol of care and love that you have regarding that person.

It is the one that is very important to you in real life and that you are worried about him. This person may have health or other problems in life. Your relationship with that person will soon rise to a higher level.

In the case where the dead person from your dream was first angry at you from whatever the reason, and then he or she gave you a smile, such a dream could be an indication that you feel guilty conscience about something you did to that person while she was alive. Maybe you didn’t pay enough attention to her, or you were insincere with her.

Do I have to be worried?

Dreaming of the dead that is maybe dead in real life, and maybe not, is certainly scary, but this is the dream that most of us have and while having during life. They are a completely normal part of your dream world.

Sometimes dreams like this can be very uncomfortable and scary. The meaning of the dream of the dead depends on how you dream of the dead, but also on other details in the dream.

In the case where the dead from your dream (smiling) is a  close person who is truly dead, then that dream most likely means that you are sorely missed by that person and do not accept that he is gone.

In addition, this dream may mean that you lack the opinions and advice of that person, so this need from your subconscious is reflected in the dream. If you happen to be given some advice in the dream by the deceased, it would be a good idea to think about it, as it can be a very important message for something to come in your future.

In those cases that we have mentioned before, where the dead from your dream is someone unknown, such a dream is such a piece of positive information. In this case, you should not worry at all – it means that you will witness some positive changes and happenings around you.

In one version where the dead are smiling in the environment that is familiar to you, like your home, such a dream is a bad sign, and in that case, you could be a bit worried, but not in the way that you will die. This is the dream that speaks more of the possibility that you have neglected your health, for example.

This dream could foretell some illness, which may relate to a member of your family. The most important part of knowing here is the one that you must pay attention to health, but it does not have to be a deadly disease.

In one version where the dead from your dream is smiling to you on a funeral, such a dream also has such a positive meaning, and it brings an indication that you will be happy in love.

As you could see, there is nothing much to worry when it comes to dreams about death; in the worst case, they come to you as a warning.

What to do if I had this dream?

Dreams of the dead can cause feelings of sadness and pain because the person you dream of is no longer beside you, but they can also awaken joy because you have the opportunity to see and embrace that person once more.

Sometimes dreams like this can be very uncomfortable and scary. The meaning of the dream of the dead depends on how you dream of the dead, but also on other details in the dream.

Who is the dead from your dream, maybe it is you? What is your relation to that person and where the dream took place? In your home or somewhere else? All of this drastically changes the meanings and symbolism of a dream.

In the end, we will tell you that in the version of the dream where the dead are smiling to you in a dream is nothing scary, and in the most cases, such a dream carries positive symbolical value.

At times it speaks of positive changes that are coming in your life, or it is an annunciation of a great love life, while in others it brings a warning that something “possibly” worrying can affect you or the members of your family, but you have enough time to make things better.

And be honest in the end, if the dead from our dream is truly dead in a real-life, would not be a great dream if we are able to see it and receive a smile from someone who meant so much to us?


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