Does Green Tea Help You Sleep?

Green tea became almost an inevitable component of modern healthy lifestyle trend. Thanks to overall rapid increase of humans’ awareness of the need to return to natural products and natural sources of nutrients and curatives, this beneficial soothing drink has finally gained deserved appreciation and practical usage in the Western world.

You’re certainly familiar with at least some information about the great and rich history of tea and its traditional usage in countries of Asia, especially India, China and Japan.

English people have developed a passion for drinking tea centuries ago; since Victorian era, popular ‘five o’clock’ hour has been considered a tea break time in Britain.

History of tea, green tea in particular, is very long. According to Asian legends, the consumption of tea dates back to the period from more than four millenniums ago.

There is a particular Chinese legend telling green tea was first brewed in third millennium before the New Era, during times of the gods’ reign on Earth.

Healthy properties of green tea have been known since ancient times. There are early medieval Chinese books with records about green tea’s amazing and beneficial effects on human body.

The process of growing, treating and using green tea has been familiar to Asian people since far past.

Powerful green tea health benefits

Green tea is very popular these days and not without reasons. It is considered a super healthy and beneficial drink that could prevent and help suppress all sort of health issues.

According to researches and common beliefs, regular consumption of green tea is responsible for longevity and incredible vitality of some Asian peoples. Moderate, but consistent consumption of green tea is shown to improve our overall organism condition. Thanks to good combination of very useful and valuable nutrients, green tea is a true elixir of life.

Camellia sinensis, a plant of green tea, originates from China and is grown and processed all over Asia. There are several varieties of green tea drink, depending on original plant features, the way growing and treatment of the plant and the manner of processing it.

Regular green tea is made by steeping and it contains just one calorie per 100 ml and valuable phytochemicals; the best known are polyphenols and caffeine.

It is also known green tea contains a considerable amount of flavonids and cathechins, which are commonly associated with green tea’s amazing health effects. However, no clinical research has concluded their exact effect on human health, although green tea is traditionally known to promote health.

There are many claims green tea can fight cancer. Well, it is not an almighty magical potion but it could help. It contains great antioxidant properties and helps our body get rid of undesirable and waste material.

It also fights dangerous free radicals and boosts our body defense system. It is known green tea could help in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Daily consumption of green tea could help people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure issues.

It also helps balancing the level of sugar in our blood, promotes digestion, helps our muscles and other tissues to recover, improves our metabolism and even help in losing weight.

Green tea before bed?

Some may be surprised green tea is actually good for sleep, despite its caffeine level. Green tea could have the same effect as a cup of coffee, in terms of awakens, alertness and concentration.

If you drink too much of it, it could also make you nervous and anxious and badly affect your heart rate.

On the other hand, if used properly and in moderation, this amazing natural beverage not only would improve your overall body condition and healthy, but would also secure you sweet and cozy dreams.

The best option is to choose decaffeinated green tea, especially if you are particularly sensitive to caffeine in general. If you suffer from anemia, blood pressure or heart rate abnormalities, you should completely avoid regular green tea and always opt for decaffeinated.

Speaking of green tea as a bedtime drink, decaffeinated one is always the best choice.

Soothing green tea for better sleep

Green tea generally affects our body in a good way. A cup of soothing green tea could be a healthy overture for good quality sleep. A recent scientific research proved green tea is one of the best choices to drink before bed, in order to get proper rest and excellent overnight recovery. Some people drink milk or other calming beverages before they go to sleep.

Now, there are scientific reports green tea is also very efficient, if not the best. The study conducted by a certain functional ingredients Japanese company has shown an amino acid found in green tea could improve both sleep quality and the mental condition after waking up.

The amino acid, L-theanine, works as a relaxing agent, helping in soothing our nerves and thus getting into a relaxed state. A good night time rest logically lead to refreshed and more focused mind in the morning, not to mention the additional effect on other green tea compounds on our body.

Another reason to drink green tea before bed is its amazing effect on human metabolism. It promotes our digestion and helps our body maintain its proper functions. While it provides you with great quality sleep, green tea also boots your metabolism, helping in eliminating unnecessary material from the body and burn more calories.

Besides that, green tea contains inconsiderable calorie content. It is full of valuable and beneficial substances that would affect the quality of your sleep and your overall body functions in a good way, without any risk of gaining weight.

The conclusion is clear. There is no reason why not to drink green tea as a bedtime drink, on the contrary.

However, keep in mind its caffeine content isn’t to be overlooked. Opt for decaffeinated green tea in order to take the best from this ancient, powerful and relaxing natural beverage and remedy. If you want to add regular green tea to your diet routine, make sure you don’t suffer from any blood or cardiovascular issues.


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