Dream About Losing Weight – Meaning and Symbolism

Weight nowadays is considered to be the most common problem people have.

Social media,  internet, shows and movies are constantly showing us the unrealistic image of beauty.

People do not realize that effects and makeup to the trick, no they evolve hate for their bodies and their image in general.

Everyone is trying to look like somebody else, but rare are those who are truly happy with themselves. Everything in this world is fake, so we need real ones in it.

Throughout the history we had many types of perfect body images, at some point it was modern to be bigger then it was popular to be thinner than a stick and now you have unrealistic expectations where you have to look like people that had plastic surgeries.

Weight has a huge effect on our mentality, so it is completely normal for it to appear in our dreams.

When you have a dream about losing weight, that could be an actual sign that you want to change your body and that you are thinking too much about it.

These dreams are a symbol of progress and they are not negative signs.

There are many types of these dreams and you should remember yours if you want to find the meaning behind it.

The Most Common Dreams About Losing Weight

Dreaming about weight loss in general – If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about weight loss in general, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you have got rid of a burden that’s been on your back for a long time.

This dream is a great sign for you.

It can also be a sign that your troubles are coming to an end, perhaps you had a really hard period recently and now it is coming to an end very soon.

This type of a dream is a positive dream which can also be a sign of new opportunities and maybe some new meetings.

It also represents a bright future filled with happy moments with the people you love.

Life gets hard sometimes and when it does we forget the fact that it changes al the time, we think that a bad moment will last forever.

The thing is nothing lasts forever and every bad situation gives us mew lesson to learn.

You have to have faith in what will be, enjoy and absorb every second of a happy situation and keep calm and positive in bad ones.

Dreaming about losing weight extra fast- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about losing weight faster than it is normal, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to enter a troubling phase of your life.

This means that new challenges and problems are about to show up in your life.

Life is exactly as a rollercoaster, at one point you are up in the clouds while the second after you are going downfall.

This could be connected with your love life, family, job, or something else.

Something will go terribly wrong, perhaps it will be your mistake or perhaps the course of events just lead to a catastrophe in your life.

Everything you have known will eventually fall apart and it will cause lots of issues when it comes to your faith and trust in humanity.

You will have to gain so much strength in order to survive this situation, the most important thing is not to give up easily.

It will pass eventually so keep your head up and give it your all to survive this.

Dreaming about your friend losing weight- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about your friend losing weight, then this type of a dream could be an indication on possible problems in his or hers life.

Perhaps your friend has some issues or stress, but that person does not feel like opening up about it because they feel like they would be a burden to others.

That is why this dream is a sign that you should talk more with your friend, be there for them and always be considerate.

Perhaps they have issues with their family at home, maybe these issues are starting to kill your friend from the inside.

Perhaps they have met a boyfriend or a girlfriend that is pure trouble, they are in a toxic relationship and they do not see the way out of it.

Offer your help and be there for them, they are your friend and you should give it your all to make it easier for them.

Sometimes even just sitting next to a person can do wonders.

The main problem is that people who do not have some kind of support tend to have suicidal thoughts at some point and that is why you should be cautious when it comes to people like this.

Dreaming about anorexia- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about being anorexic, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are experiencing certain troubles when it comes to your vision and goals in life.

You are lacking focus and motivation to proceed with a healthy attitude in life.

You feel like you are stuck in life, you do not have the urge to keep moving and this is completely normal.

It is not possible to always be on top of your game, sometimes the period where you are tired and unmotivated has to come.

You shouldn’t push yourself too much when it does come, you have to understand that sometimes you must rest and gain back your energy.

Take some time to collect your thoughts and to reflect on your past success.

Have faith in yourself and have faith in what could happen next, everything will be alright you just have to be patient with yourself.

Take care of yourself and be ready to get back in your game soon enough.

Dreaming about a broken scale- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a broken scale, then this type of a dream is a sign that people are not appreciating you the way you deserve.

People around you are taking you for granted, they are not seeing how rare you are and they are not being grateful for that.

This affects you negatively, it means that you will have lots of issues regarding your self-esteem because of these people.

You are beginning to doubt your own potential and to feel like you are not worth it.

You should separate yourself from these people and go somewhere where you will be appreciated and where you can be yourself without feeling like you need to change.

Dreaming about a correct weight scale- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a weight scale, then this type of a dream is a sign that you care too much about the opinion of other people.

People around you are making judgments and they are trying to crush your self-esteem.

That way they want to change your for the better,  but the truth is that they are frightened by your potential and they are trying to ruin it in order to be safe from you.

In other words these people are trying to destroy you mentally so that you can’t try and do something big.

Dreaming about a diet for weight loss- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about diet for weight loss, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you have a great chance to organize yourself.

Discipline is the key to success and you are aware of this, so now you are trying and giving it your all to have a disciplined mind and body.

You see these types of dreams may also be a sign that you are focusing on your goals and that you are ready to do whatever it takes in order to achieve your goal.

You are taking a path to the top and you do not have the time for unnecessary people or information.

Keep focusing on yourself and be completely ready to be the best.

Dreaming about counting calories for weight- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about counting your calories, then this type of a dream is a sign that you are trying to take a shortcut to your goal.

This does not work that and you should know that you have to go through the whole process before you reach a destination.

You are not really being patient with yourself and your progress.

The patience is the main key to a successful result,  if you are not patient and if you are constantly hurrying things up then you are likely to make a mistake that could cost you everything.

Whatever you do in rush will eventually fall apart so slow down.

Make a plan and make a decision about what you are ready to do in order to complete certain task or a goal.

But, if you continue being a mess like this then there is no way that you are going to be successful.

You can work hard all you want, but without the patience it means nothing.

Good things take time, they come to those who wait.

Of course you must know the difference between patiently waiting and wasting your time.

For that you have to have strong judgment and you have to know when enough is enough.


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