Crying in real life can occur for many reasons. We cry when we are happy or excited about something, but we also cry when we are sad and angry. Reasons for this can be different and you have probably wondered what crying in your dreams means.
Just like in real life, you have to take the whole situation you have dreamed about in consideration to understand the meaning behind it.
We will list few possible meanings of dreams about crying so you can get a better understanding of your dream.
Dream about crying in general
Crying in general, in our dreams, can have different meanings. Even the slightest details about your dream, like who is with you in a dream or where you are, can make a significant difference when you are trying to find a meaning behind the dream.
If you had a dream where you were alone, weeping, that indicates that a great joy is just around the corner. It is possible that many beautiful things are going to happen to you in the near future and you will be overwhelmed with positive energy. You’ll want to share these things with close people and you will probably make a celebration where you will gather all those who have helped you to advance and to deal with obstacles and problems in your life.
So, even though this feels very sad and depressing in a dream, crying alone is not a bad sign. Keep looking forward to new and exciting moments in your life that are coming.
Dream about crying because you are excited or happy about something is a good sign as well, and it represents great joy and positivity that are coming your way. Embrace this period and make the most of it while it lasts.
Dream about your mother crying
This dream has an extremely negative meaning. it indicates a bleak period ahead of you that will bring a lot of misery and sadness into your life. Perhaps your business plans will fail or someone beloved to you might suddenly die.
This dream is a warning about what is awaiting you in the near future, so be prepared to take on the pressure and stress. Seeing our mothers cry in real life is heartbreaking, but experiencing this in a dream gives it even more power.
Take this dream as a sign and be careful in the upcoming period of your life.
Dream about your father crying
If you had a dream in which your father was weeping for some reason, then you will have something unusual happen to you. Our fathers are mostly strong and hide their feelings, and seeing them cry is very unusual.
Change that is going to happen to you could be major but it also doesn’t have to be. It depends on your current life situation and your attitude. Whatever happens, make sure to learn from it and to look on the bright side of every situation.
Dream about crying hysterically
Dream about crying hysterically is another negative sign. It means you have some repressed feelings and emotions you need to deal with in order to move on. Perhaps you are still thinking about your old partner or you have some unresolved issues with other people in your life.
If you had this dream, then it is time to explore those issues more and try to figure out what you can do about them. It is very important to finish with things from the past in order to move on in life.
Dream about crying with someone
If you had a dream in which you were crying with someone at the same time, then this means you will soon have a reason to celebrate something. Maybe your engagement is coming close or a baby shower perhaps.
Anyway, you will be very happy and very excited to celebrate whatever is coming your way. Make sure to have the best time of your life and enjoy these moments, because they will remain forever.
Dream about crying on a funeral
This dream can seem so dark and so depressing, but it doesn’t have to mean that someone is going to be hurt or die. This dream, actually, has a positive meaning. You will receive a promotion from your boss or maybe you will come up with an exciting business idea that will bring you a lot of profit. In any case, this dream has a very positive meaning, so don’t be scared when you experience it.
Dream about crying loudly
If you had a dream in which you were crying at the top of your voice, this means you are going to experience something positive very soon. Perhaps you will receive a promotion or a business opportunity you can’t miss.
This can also be linked to your romantic life, because you might finally find someone who is right for you and who will make you happy. So the louder you cry in a dream, the more luck you will have in real life.
Dream about crying and missing someone
If you felt like you are missing someone in a dream, then you will soon feel sad and depressed because of something. This can be related to your business or private life, but in any case you need to stay calm and forget about bad things.
Keep on focusing on the positive, and gather strength to move on from the negativity, that might get you.
Dream about a crying baby
Dream about a crying baby, whether you only heard the sound or you have seen the baby crying, is a bad sign. This means you will have some problems in your private and business life, that will cause you a lot of headache.
This is in general, a bad omen in life, so be careful after you have this dream. He might be a warning and you need to be cautious when you talk to certain people and cautious about your actions in life.
Dream about others crying
To see or hear others crying in your dream, means you will have a lot of luck in the upcoming period. This period is perfect for making progress in your professional and private life, so make sure you use this period wisely.
This is the perfect time to start a new relationship or to continue your business projects from the past, because all of them will have extreme success. This is the right period to relax and take some time to enjoy life and your personal achievements.
Dream about someone else crying
If you had a dream about an unknown person crying, then you will be embarrassed or uncomfortable because of something you said or did in the past. Maybe all of your dirty laundry is going to come to the surface, and you will be extremely humiliated by your actions and words in the past.
If this happens, make sure you keep your head cool and try to justify your actions, if that is possible. Be careful around people who are suspicious to you, because they might be behind all of the trouble. Their goal was to harm you and you have many enemies. The best way to save yourself from trouble is to avoid them, and if they strike at you for no reason, then think of a good way to give them what they deserve.
Dream about a dead person crying
If you had a dream about someone who died and he or she was crying in a sleep, then you will have some conflicts and disagreements with other people. They won’t understand what you are trying to achieve and you won’t be able to explain the cause behind your actions.
It is possible that some of your previous disagreements will come up to the surface and you will have to face them all over again.
Dream about your wife or husband crying
Seeing your partner cry in the dream is very overwhelming. We don’t want our loved ones to feel sad or hurt, so what could be the meaning behind this dream? If you saw your husband or wife crying in your dream, then this means you will some failures and misunderstandings in your life.
Challenges are definitely in front of you, and you will have to find a way to defeat them. They can be linked to your private and personal life so make sure you stay careful and cool in every life situation.
Dream about consoling someone
Dream about consoling someone because they are crying, means you have a lot of sympathy in you. You are a very sensitive person and you have a lot of empathy for others. Perhaps someone close to you has been through some rough time and now you are reflecting that empathy in your dreams.
This ability is very important in life and you need to cherish this gift. Even though others don’t give you back what you give them, being there for someone is the core of your being and you can’t stop being like that.