Biblical Meaning of a Kiss In a Dream

Kissing is a healthy act that can burn calories, kissing is a way which helps people show their true emotions and create sexual tension.

Kissing can also be the purest act in the world, we kiss people we love or we kiss the ones that are attractive to us.

A kiss in a dream is actually a positive sign, so you should not worry about having a dream like this.

There are different interpretations of a kiss in dreams like dreaming about kissing a certain body part, dreaming about kissing your friend or co-worker or even a boss, the list continues.

It is important that you remember the course of your dream and that way it will be easier for you to find the exact meaning to it.

Hopefully you will find what you are looking for in this article.

The Most Common Dreams About a Kiss

Dreaming about a kiss on the cheek- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a kiss on the cheek, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you have a need for commitment.

You are the type of a person that craves for affection, you want to be happy with another person yet you are not able to find another person.

The problem is that you are unhappy with yourself and at this point you can never be happy with someone else.

If you do not love yourself and if you are not happy on your own, then how is it possible to be happy with another individual.

No one has a task to make you happy, you have to do it all by yourself.

Stop chasing love, chase your dreams and chase your improvement,  love will find you when it is supposed to find you.

Also you should be aware of the fact that you may have unrealistic expectations about love and commitment .

Love is not like in the movies,  love can be pretty messed up and being committed to someone does not mean that you will be happy.

It takes work and work in order to form a strong relationship,  but in order to do it you have to be mature and whole all by yourself.

Dreaming about kissing someone’s neck- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing someone’s neck, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are not active when it comes to sex.

This type of a dream is an indication that you should be more open when it comes to sex, you can’t just wait for someone to beat things up you see sometimes that is your job.

Be sexier and be more inviting when you feel that the moment  is right for something.

But stop acting the way you are right now.

Dreaming about kissing with tongue- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing someone with tongue, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are way up in the clouds.

You are not really a realistic person and this is not always a good thing.

You do not see this world the way it is, you see it the way you want it to be.

There are situations in life where you must have a clear vision of something, you can’t go through life with that mind-set.

When you have a certain issue you must see it the way it actually is and not the way you perceive it.

Also you can have different situations where this thinking can destroy you.

For example you can find yourself in a toxic relationship, if you keep imagining your fake scenario then you will literally destroy your life.

Dreaming about a tender kiss- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a tender kiss, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to be in the centre of attention.

This means that you will have a lot of potential partners that will try to get closer to you.

Turn this into something interesting, why wouldn’t you talk with someone new?

It is important to have some excitement in your life and you have a great opportunity.

So do not reject these people,  talk with them see if someone is actually right for you.

Dreaming about a French kiss- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a French kiss, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are craving for a love story in your life.

You are a romantic and you always daydream about possible scenarios where you find the love of your life.

This dream is just a reflection of your desires and it also means that you should focus a little bit on yourself.

You cannot let the urge to find a love keep you from succeeding at your goals.

You see you have to be prepared all by yourself for everything in life, love yourself and be comfortable with yourself first.

When you are able to be alone without feeling empty, then that is the right time to find the love of your life.

Dreaming about kissing your best friend- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing your best friend, then this type of a dream is a sign that you are secretly in love with your best friend.

Your dream is revealing your hidden desires and feelings, it is a sign that you want to be more than friends with this particular person.

You feel strong connection to them, there is certain chemistry and sexual attraction in your friendship.

But be careful because you can make a mistake if you confess your feelings, be hundred percent sure if that is what you want before saying it out loud.

If there is no chance of you two getting into a relationship at this moment, then don’t tell him or her anything yet.

Confess your feeling when the time gets right, if your best friend is currently committed to somebody you should not make any complications now.

And again you know what’s best for you, so follow your heart, but take your mind with you.

Dreaming about kissing your colleague- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing your colleague,  then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are going to experience a troubling period because of this person.

Perhaps your colleague will do something that will affect you negatively.

This action does not necessarily have to be something drastic, maybe your colleague is going to go on a long vacation and that means you will have to do the work for both of you.

Or maybe this person is going to take your project, there are many various scenarios.

Dreaming about kissing your boss- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing your boss, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are not comfortable around your boss.

Perhaps your boss is unpleasant or maybe he has a temperament that makes him or her appear scarier that they really are.

Whatever the case is, you should definitely relax this dream does not mean that you will have an affair with your boss.

Sometimes this dream may actually be a sign that you are thinking about your boss in a sexual way, you feel certain attraction to your boss which is unexplainable.

Dreaming about kissing an older woman- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing much older woman, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are in a position where someone is talking stuff about you behind your back.

You should not worry too much about this, this dream is only a warning sign for you.

Perhaps one of your closer friends is being two faced towards you, maybe this person is only hanging out with you to find out some juicy details from your life that could be discussed later.

There are many people like this, these people do not have their own life in their control so they decide to mess around with other lives.

Or perhaps they simply have no actual goal in their life, so they spend their days gossiping around to kill the boredom.

Or maybe they are filled with insecurities, so hating on other people makes them feel important and it makes them feel better about themselves.

These types of people never really make any progress.

Do not hang around with people like this, they are not your friends and be sure that it is easy to separate them from normal ones.

If your friend constantly talks about other people and their secrets, if he or she gossips and hates on others with you then be hundred percent sure that this person is talking the same about you to someone else.

And you should be careful when you are picking your friends, be more careful when you are talking about your secrets .

Always be careful and cautious.

Dreaming about kissing a girl- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing a girl, then this type of a dream has two different meanings depending on the type of your dream.

Two possible interpretations are that you are kissing an ugly girl and that you are kissing a gorgeous girl.

So if you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about kissing an ugly girl, then this type of a dream has a positive meaning.

Even if you do not believe so, this type of a dream is a good sign.

It means that you will go through some great changes that will lead you to a brighter future.

But if you have a dream about a gorgeous girl, then this means trouble.

You will go through unpleasant situations that could affect your life in a negative way.

Also you will discover something that will shake you a lot more than you think it could.

Dreaming about a kiss on the back- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a kiss on the back, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are hiding yourself too much.

This dream is a sign that it is time to show yourself to the world, embrace your flaws and embrace everything that makes you the way you are.

There is no need to close yourself and build walls that can protect you from the world.

It is time to be more open, you have to live this life to its fullest or you will have a lot of regrets later on in life.

Keep that in mind when you feel like you should hide away from everyone and everything.

Dreaming about a kiss on the shoulder- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a kiss on the shoulder, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you will receive some help from a certain person.

This type of a dream is a actually a good sign, it means that you are in good hands.

This does not mean that you are not capable of doing something by yourself, it means that you are lucky to have a person who has your back no matter what.

Take care of this person and you can feel free to open up to them.

They will bring you out of a problematic situation, maybe even save your life.

You will regain hope in humanity again.

Dreaming about a kiss on the head- If you had a dream like this in which you are dreaming about a kiss on the head, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are in desperate need of rest.

Your mind is filled with lots of frustration, negativity, perhaps you are suffering from anxiety or depression even.

Whatever the case is, you are overwhelmed by everything in your life.

This dream is a sign for you that you should find a way to rest, go somewhere far away where you can release the negativity out of your life.

Be patient and caring for yourself and always put yourself as the number one priority.


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