Biblical Meaning of Dreams About Water – Interpretation and Meaning

Our dreams can tell us a lot about our lives. Since ancient times it was believed that our dreams bring special messages for us and they can even bring us a message from the God.

There are many beliefs related to our dreams and there is no doubt that many people are trying to discover the meaning of their dreams.

A dream interpretation is very important, so we should never ignore our dreams. We should try to find their meaning and symbolism and to understand them. In this article you will have the opportunity to read about water dreams.

Have you ever dreamed of water? Have you ever wondered what your dream may symbolize? Have you dreamed of clear or dirty water? Most important is to remember all details that you have seen in your dream about water and then you will be able to find the most appropriate interpretation for your dream.

First of all we will tell you what the Biblical meaning of water in general is and then you will see the Biblical meaning of the dreams about water.

These dreams are very common and their symbolism is very important. If you have also dreamed of water sometimes, don’t miss this article.

Biblical Meaning of Water

We all know that this world could not exist without water. Water is also mentioned in the Bible many times and its symbolism is very important. First of all we have to say that water is a symbol of cleansing.

Even in the earliest times it was believed that water could wash all our sins and that’s why many times it was associated with the Jesus. According to the Bible, water is a symbol of life and satisfaction as well.

Also, it is usually said that water is a symbol of regeneration and renewal.

However, in some cases water is considered to be a symbol of something negative and uncertain. It can mean that you have many fears in your real life and you don’t know what you can expect in the future.

Now when you know what the Biblical meaning of water is, we will present you a couple of the dreams about water and their interpretations. You will see that the meaning of a certain dream depends to a great extent on details that appear in a dream.

That’s why you should take into account all details that you have seen in your dream, in order to find the best interpretation for your dream.

Biblical Meaning of Dreams About Water

Dreaming of water. If you had a dream about water in general, it is a symbol of your own emotions in a real life. The symbolism of this dream depends on whether the water was clean or dirty, hot or cold, and so on.

Dreaming of calm and clear water. If you had a dream about calm and clear water, it is a good sign. This dream symbolizes your inner peace and happiness. It is possible that you have problems in your real life, but you know how to solve them and you don’t have worries about that.

Dreaming of dirty water. If water in your dream was dirty, it is a symbol of negative emotions that exist in you. Your life is full of uncertainty and fears, so you are worring all the time.

Dreaming of deep water. If you had a dream about deep water, it is not a good sign. This dream means that you should be very careful in the future period. You may have many problems at your work, so you should not do things in a hurry, but you should think well about all your decisions and actions.

Dreaming of being under water. If you have seen in your dream that you were under water, it means that you are overwhelmed by negative emotions in a real life. You don’t feel well and you should start thinking more positively, even though the situation may be too difficult.

Dreaming of breathing under water. If you had such dream, it means that you are strong enough to deal with all your problems in a real life.

Dreaming of boiling water. This dream symbolizes your desires and your fears in a real life. Also, it can mean that you are angry at someone and you want to hurt that person.

Dreaming of cold water. If you had a dream about cold water, it is a good sign. This dream means that you are thinking in a positive way and you have positive feelings and many positive things in your life, but many times you are unaware od them.

Dreaming of water running. This dream symbolizes your uncertainty and your fears in a real life. There are many difficult situations around you and you are full of negative emotions. There is also another interpretation of this dream. It could mean that you are going thorugh a period of relaxation right now. You should also know that in the future period you will have to make very important decisions.

Dreaming of drinking water. If you had a dream about drinking water, it is a good sign. This dream means that a great success is expecting you in the future period. You have probably started a new project at your work and you don’t have to worry, because everything will be great.

Dreaming of drinking salt water. If you have dreamed that you were drinking salt water, it means that you will have problems in your relationship. It is possible that you will suffer too much because your partner will hurt you in the future period. Also, this dream can mean that someone of your friends will deceive you.

However, this dream has bad symbolism and it announces a difficult period that is in front of you.

Dreaming of walking on water. If you had this type of a dream, it is a good sign. It means that you are an optimistic person and you are ready to face all problems. You do not take anything seriously and you believe that all problems will be solved very soon. Also, this dream can mean that you have control over your emotions in a real life.

Dreaming of crossing water. If you have seen in your dream that you were crossing water, it means that you are an independent person and your freedom is most important for you.

Dreaming of offering water to someone. If you have dreamed of offering water to someone, it is a symbol of true friendships that you have in your life. You have a lot of friends who love you and who will never deceive you. Because of that we can say that you are a lucky person because you can always rely on your friends.

Dreaming of someone spraying you with water. If you had a dream about someone spraying you with water, it is a sign that you don’t want to show your real emotions to other people. You hide them deep inside you, which is not good. We recommend you to be more open and to express your emotions.

Dreaming of listening to water. If you have dreamed of listening to water, it means that you should think well about your own feelings. It may be the time to find your own peace and to be alone with your thoughts.

Dreaming of holy water. If you had this type of a dream, it is possible that you have negative thoughts and you need cleansing in a spiritual sense.

Dreaming of wavy water. If you have dreamed about wavy water, it means that you should take control over your emotions and also over your life in general. Otherwise, some people might abuse you.

Dreaming of water in your house. If you have dreamed of water in your house, it means that you are overwhelmed with your own emotions. It is possible that something very important happened to you and it caused big emotions inside of you. Also, this dream can mean that there are many problems in your life and you need to solve them as soon as possible.

Dreaming of water flowing towards you. If you had this dream, it symbolizes negative emotions that exist in you. It would be best to speak to your friends and to think more positively. There are many good things in your life and you should be grateful for them.

As you have seen in this article, there are many different dreams about water and their symbolism is always different.

You have seen that the Biblical meanings of these dreams can be both positive and negative, depending on all details that have appeared in a dream. We hope you have found the right interpretation for your dream about water.

Of course, you should never forget to take into consideration all details that you have seen in your dream, because it is the only way to understand it properly and to find the right interpretation.

We hope this article has been interesting and useful for you, so you will not have problems to interpret your next dream about water.


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