Holding Hands – Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Since long ago people have believed that our dreams can tell us a lot about our waking life. They are also associated with our emotions and thoughts. Most important is not to ignore your dreams because they may bring you important messages for your life and also for your future.

Many people believe that the God is trying to communicate with people through their dreams and visions. In this article we will talk about dreaming of holding hands.

Dreams about holding hands have usually a good connotation. In most of the cases these dreams mean that someone of the opposite sex will give you attention in the future period. But, in order to find the right interpretation for your dream, it is important to take into account all details that you have seen in your dream.

You can dream about holding hands with someone you know or with someone you don’t know.

Also, it is possible to dream about holding hands with your loved person, with your friend, with a child, with someone who is disabled or maybe with a religious leader.

There are so many dreams about holding hands and all of them have different symbolism and meaning. These dreams may have either positive or negative symbolism, depending on details that appear in a dream.

If you would like to know more about these dreams and their symbolism, we recommend you to read this text. We are sure that you will find the best interpretation for your own dream about holding hands and you will be able to understand it much better.

Now you will see some of the most common dreams about holding hands and their interpretations.

Holding Hands – Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming of holding hands. If you have dreamed of holding hands with someone, it probably means that you are in love with that person. Your relationship will be very good in the future as well and you don’t have to worry.

Dreaming of holding hands with your ex. If you have seen in your dream that you were holding hands with your ex, it can mean that you miss that person and you cannot accept that this person is not a part of your life anymore. Also, this dream can mean that you are feeling lonely in your own life and you would like to have someone who will be always there for you.

Dreaming of holding hands with someone you don’t know. If you have dreamed that you were holding hands with someone you don’t know in a real life, this dream is a reflection of your own emotions. It is possible that you are feeling lonely right now and you would like to be closer with someone.

But, this dream can have another meaning as well. It can be related to a charity work that you are doing right now or it may indicate that you would like to do humanitarian work in the future.

Dreaming of holding hands with someone who is known to you. If you have seen in your dream that you were holding hands with someone who is known to you, it means that you would like to have someone in your life who will be trustworthy and confident. You would like to tell your secrets to someone but you don’t know who this person could be.

Dreaming of holding hands with your friend. If you have dreamed that you were holding hands with your friends, it reflects your own fears in a real life. Actually, you are afraid of distancing from a person you have dreamed about. Also, we can interpret this dream another way. It can mean that you are feeling lonely and isolated in your real life. You would like to have more intimacy with someone.

Dreaming of two rivals who are holding their hands. If you have seen in your dream that two rivals were holding their hands, it is a very bad sign. Actually, the meaning of this dream depends on if you know those persons in your real life or they are only strangers for you. If you know those persons, it means that they will be in a conflict in the future period. But, if you don’t know the persons you have dreamed about, it means that you will probably have a conflict with someone in your surroundings.

Dreaming of holding hands with someone who is only a fiction. If you had such a dream, you should not worry, because this dream has a positive symbolism. It means that very soon you will meet someone who has a great creative energy and strength. Actually, you will probably meet a person who is dedicated to art and you will have a very good relation with that person.

Dreaming of holding hands with someone you like. If you have dreamed of holding hands with someone you like, the symbolism of this dream is very positive, so you don’t have to worry. This dream indicates that your relation with that person will become better and better every day.

Also, your feelings towards that person are becoming stronger and it is possible that you will start a relationship with that person.

Dreaming of holding hands with your loved person. If you were holding hands in your dream with someone you love in a real life, it is a bad omen. This dream means that you will have a lot of financial problems in the near future and your financial situation will be very bad. This dream is actually warning you to start saving money, because you will need it in the future.

Dreaming of holding hands with a religious leader. This type of a dream means that there are many ethical problems in your life and you don’t know how to solve them. These problems may appear not only at your work, but also in your private life and they can prevent you from having success. In the future period you will have to deal with many moral problems and you will have to make the right decisions in your life.

But, this dream is also warning you to take time and to think well before you decide something. If you do something without thinking, you will regret later and you will be feeling very bad.

Dreaming of holding a hand of a child. If you had such a dream, it is a very good omen, so there is no need to worry. It means that very soon you will be able to solve problems and difficulties that you have in your life. It will make you very happy and satisifed, so you will be feeling very well.

But, this dream can have another interpretation as well. It can mean that you would like to spend more time with your children in a real life.

Dreaming of holding hands with someone who is disabled. If you were holding hands in your dream with someone who is disabled, it means that your relationship will not be very good in the future. It is possible that you have problems with your partner and you are not sure if you want to stay with that person anymore.

There will be many obstacles in your relationship but you will probably overcome them and you will stay together.

Dreaming of holding someone’s hand firmly. If you have dreamed that you were holding someone’s hand firmly, it means that you would like to be dominant in your relationship. Also, you like to have dominance among your friends and we can say that you are a great leader in every situation.

Dreaming of interlocking fingers while holding hands. If you had such a dream, it means that you are dependent on your partner in a real life and your partner is also dependent on you. You have a strong relationship and there is nothing that could destroy your love, so you don’t have to worry.

These are some of the most common dreams about holding hands. As you have seen, these dreams may have positive or negative symbolism. It is very important to take into consideration all details from your dream because they can be crucial for your dream interpretation.

We hope this article has been useful for you and you have found all you wanted to know about these dreams.

Also, we hope you have found the best explanation for your own dream about holding hands. The next time you have this dream, you will not have problems to find its meaning and symbolism.


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